The One Condiment You Need To Stop Using This Month Because It Seriously Slows Down Your Metabolism

February 3, 2021 by Merrell Readman


Condiments are one of the most valuable food varieties to keep on hand. They can add flavor to even the most boring of meals and certain condiments like mustard actually contain a number of nutrients that can speed up metabolism and even help with digestion. However, just as there are healthy condiments that add value to your meals, there are some condiments that you should be weary of, particularly if you’re working to lose weight. In order to preserve your metabolism and work your way towards healthy weight loss, there’s one condiment you should consider leaving on the shelf this year, according to health experts.

While it may be a summertime staple, barbecue sauce is one of the worst condiments to consume regularly if you’re trying to lose weight. Registered dietitian and personal trainer Ranjan Singh explains, “A combination of barbecue sauce and meat gives you great taste, but containing about 5 grams of sugar for every 1-2 tablespoons, it is not good for your health. Plus you are eating lots of refined sugar carbs which will increase your weight gradually.”

A high sugar diet is going to make weight loss that much harder due to an increase in calories with very little nutritional value. Unfortunately, condiments such as barbecue sauce and even certain ketchup brands contain high amounts of sugar which lend themselves to a delicious flavor, but with very little health benefits. It’s also not likely that you’re measuring your condiments before serving each meal, so your dish can skyrocket in calories if you aren’t aware of how much barbecue sauce you’re using.

If you love the sweet and tangy flavor but want to make it work for weight loss, Singh suggests creating your own BBQ mixture at home. “If you want to eat barbecue sauce then make a homemade sauce by adding honey or low sugar option instead of refined sugar,” he says. This recipe is loaded with natural flavors and spices to provide you with the same taste with significantly less sugar.

Although it’s important to remember that you can consume anything in moderation on a healthy diet, condiments often add sneaky calories to your meals that work against your metabolism and may make it more difficult to lose weight. Barbecue sauce is packed with flavor and can add zest to any meal, but it’s worth considering making your own or opting for a healthier condiment such as mustard to provide your food with that special something while also nourishing your body.

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