For many of us, having a flatter stomach is one of those fitness goals that feels unattainable and pointless. While having a perfectly flat, toned stomach with visible abs requires a lifestyle regimen that isn’t sustainable for everyone. But, building strength in your core holds benefits beyond aesthetics—while it can help give your stomach a flatter look, having a strong core can improve your overall wellness. We asked Rachel Hall, Fitness Director of Body FX, and Denise Cervantes, a Sports Fitness Specialist, how to boost your core strength and what exercise you should do for a more toned, flatter stomach.

First of all, why is it so important to target your core when strength training? “Your core is made up of the muscles in your abdomen, lower back, and hips. These muscles work together to stabilize your spine and pelvis and allow you to move your upper and lower body independently,” Hall says, “A strong core can help improve your posture, protect your back from injury, and make everyday activities like carrying groceries or climbing stairs easier.” Your core is at the center of your body literally and figuratively—it supports your strength from head to toe and makes everything from menial tasks to physical activity easier.
So what is one exercise you should do to build your core strength? Unfortunately, there’s no one size fits all for “the” go-to exercise. “I wouldn’t feel good about myself if I lied to you and gave you one exercise to make your stomach flat. It is not just one exercise alone, it’s not even one ab exercise alone that will give you a flat stomach. You want the magic answer? The magic is hard work—hard work in the kitchen, watching your portions, cooking up healthy meals, doing your cardio workouts, and resistance workouts,” Cervantes explains, “But if you want an exercise to add on top of your diet, cardio, and healthy lifestyle, it will be hanging leg lifts, these work the entire core and are advanced.” While it’s more important to look at your whole lifestyle as opposed to one piece, adding in leg lifts to your workout routine could maximize your core benefit in your workouts.

Besides working out, what are some other things you can do to achieve the appearance of a flatter stomach? “Adding cardio to your fitness regimen can help you shed some of the fat that is around your midsection, just keep in mind that losing fat means you lose fat all over, there is no such thing as “spot reducing” fat in a specific area of your body.” Cervantes says. Hall also recommends making nutritional changes, specifically cutting out processed, sugary foods. “The number one cause of weight gain isn't dietary fat—it's simple carbs, usually sugar found in processed snacks and drinks. Focus on a well-rounded diet of whole foods, especially vegetables, fruits, and lean protein.”
Getting a flatter stomach requires a balanced lifestyle—that starts with eating a healthy diet made up of majority fruits, vegetables, and protein, and then making sure to follow an exercise routine that incorporates both strength training and cardio. Leg lifts are one exercise that will work your entire core and give you more bang for your buck.