Costco Shoppers Swear By These ‘Addicting’ Food Dupes: Organic Peanut Butter & More

May 3, 2024 by Faith Geiger


In a world where brand names often dominate grocery store aisles and typically reign supreme in flavor and quality, finding high-quality dupes that not only match but sometimes surpass the originals can be a game-changer for savvy shoppers. And when you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, there’s no denying that Costco is one of the best places to look. As it turns out, their shelves are stocked with some of the best food dupes that stand toe-to-toe with their pricey counterparts. From olive oil to Greek yogurt, find a few of the top customer-approved dupes below.

1. Kirkland Signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is undoubtedly one of the most crucial kitchen staples. (Plus, it's great for you!) And if you're serious about food, you know that the quality of your olive oil can make a major difference in your cooking. But that doesn't mean you have to pay a high price! As it turns out, Costco's Kirkland Signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil is both affordable and top-notch.

"Been using it for years. Great stuff," wrote one Redditor. Some chefs even swear by it. We definitely recommend stocking up next time you're at the warehouse.

2. Kirkland Signature Nut Bars

Nut bars make a fantastic, satiating choice when it comes to a convenient grab-and-go breakfast or an afternoon snack in a pinch. And while there are a lot of great brands out there, many of the tastiest, most popular ones are also pricey. (Take KIND bars, for example.) But Kirkland Signature Nut Bars are a different story! You can grab a 30-count box of these bad boys for under $18, and they taste just as great as the competition. In fact, some say they're even better.

"I prefer them to KIND," said one Reddit user. Another chimed in to say they're "so much better it's ridiculous." And all for a fraction of the price? Sign us up!

3. Kirkland Signature Organic Greek Yogurt

Speaking of healthy breakfasts and snacks, it's hard to beat Greek yogurt when it comes to nutrition, versatility, and satiation. If you're looking for a great option, look no further than Kirkland Signature Organic Yogurt, which many say is comparable to name brand options like Fage and Stonyfield.

"The Kirkland brand nonfat Greek yogurt is my favorite. I also like Fage, but I like the Kirkland better," one customer remarked.

4. Kirkland Signature Organic Peanut Butter

Whether you're spreading it onto bread, pairing it with apples for a healthy snack, or using a spoon to eat it straight out of the jar, many of us can agree that peanut butter is a must-have. If you're a fan of natural varieties, though, you know that organic options don't oftentimes come cheap. Kirkland Signature Organic Peanut Butter may be the exception you're looking for. It's additive-free, comparable to name brand like Justin's, and comes in a two-pack for just $12.99.

But does it taste good? Reviews say yes! "It is addicting. One of the few organic foods that I actually think is worth the extra cost," raves a fan on Reddit. Definitely worth adding to your cart.

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