Costco Just Made A Huge Change To Its Samples Policy & Customers Are FURIOUS!

September 3, 2020 by Justine Schwartz


Costco is bringing back food samples–sort of.

If you recall, the wholesale chain had temporarily suspended food tasting in stores due to health and safety concerns amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.

It was just one of the many simple pleasures in life taken from us by the virus! While many are relieved that the company is edging towards bring them back, many customers are outraged by how different samples look now.

Here’s everything you need to know:

A Costco superfan posted to Instagram on August 25th that the samples were back!

"Great News," he wrote on the post, which has now been widely covered by the media. "Demos R [sic] Back!"

READ MORE: Costco Just Made A Huge Change To Its Store Policy--Customers Are SO Mad!

The super fan went on to explain that, "It looks like they will be giving out prepackaged dry samples and not on all demos, and described the new format as, "The new normal."

Many of the comments revealed that Costco customers are none-so-pleased with the new dried and packaged format (rather than being able to try tasty cooked creations).

READ MORE: Costco Just Announced The Most Insane Change To Its Store Policy--WHAT Is Happening!

"Goodness gracious this is beyond ridiculous!!!!! ALL in the name of COVID ???? Another stupid idea wow," wrote one user.

"This does absolutely nothing for me...I want to TASTE or at least smell before I buy," wrote another. Yikes!

READ MORE: Costco Just Made A Huge Change To Its Store Policy--Customers Are Freaking Out!

While the company has not yet confirmed the news via their COVID-19 page, the set-up that costcoguy4u posted seems to imply that you can take a dry, pre-packaged sample of the product. That would be a pretty decent freebie if you ask us!

The free sample cart in the pic also shows suggestions of socially distancing while shopping, and features the price information for the featured sample. We have so many unanswered questions about this!

READ MORE: Costco Just Revealed Something Major--And Customers Are Freaking Out

If you recall, company CFO Richard Galanti told analysts in May that free samples would no longer be available by self-serve. The effort was taken to minimize the spread of the virus between customers.

And this isn't the only change that's made waves; Costco removed sheet cakes from menus since people simply weren't haven't parties. COVID, you've taken *everything* from us.

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