Why People Who Do This At Costco Save *So Much* More Money

June 20, 2022 by Faith Geiger


Who doesn’t love a good Costco trip? Those lucky enough to be members of this warehouse store get to buy bulk items at insanely low prices. There’s always something exciting and useful to be found on the shelves, whether it’s a huge, discounted bag of your favorite snack or a comfy new shirt with a price tag you simply can’t resist. Despite the low prices, though, all of these temptations can result in the opposite of savings if you go overboard and load your cart up with a ton of goodies you hadn’t intended on buying. We’ve all been there: you go in expecting to buy a few pantry staples, and walk out having spent way more than you bargained for—especially since prices are rising due to inflation.

Luckily, writer Marie Backman offered the perfect solution to this issue in an article for The Fool. Her tip will allow you to keep your tab low, stick to the things you need, but still treat yourself to an undeniable deal every now and then: she says you should always create a grocery lists, but allow yourself some “wiggle room.”

Write A List And Set An Allowance

Taking inventory at home and writing a grocery list before you live is an absolutely game-changing habit you should start practicing ASAP if you want to save money. You may not think a list is necessary, but trust us, it will definitely come in handy once you walk into Costco and see all of those tempting items on the shelves. Rather than wandering the store and choosing whatever pops out at you, taking a look at the items you know you need will help you stay on track and resist overspending.

But, of course, there's always going to be something you didn't plan for but can't pass up. Why deny yourself the pleasure of taking home an item that caught your eye with a price tag you won't find anywhere else? For this reason, it's helpful to set yourself a little allowance for extra items that aren't on your list. For example, Backman says she allows herself "one non-list item a week up to $20."

When you use this strategy, you'll still be able to get that rush that comes with browsing Costco and making an exciting new purchase, but you'll also be able to stay on budget and stick mostly to the things you really need. Honestly, we can't believe we hadn't thought of this before. There's no need to go all or nothing when it comes to shopping—you really can have the best of both worlds!

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