Sauces are versatile culinary additions that enhance the flavor, texture, and visual appeal of many dishes. They can range from light and tangy to rich and creamy. Creamy sauces, often made with ingredients like butter, cream, cheese, and oil, offer a velvety consistency that pairs well with pastas, meats, and vegetables.
However, many creamy sauces are calorie-dense, high in saturated fats and sugars. Regular consumption of these rich sauces can contribute to excess calorie intake, potentially leading to the accumulation of abdominal fat over time. Portion control and healthier alternatives can help mitigate this risk.
To discover two culprits that could contribute to belly fat, we spoke to registered dietitian Catherine Gervacio. She revealed to us that Thousand Island dressing and barbecue sauce are the two to steer clear of. Read on to discover how these popular creamy sauces could be expanding your waistline.

1. Thousand Island Dressing
Thousand Island dressing can contribute to belly fat due to its high calorie, fat, and sugar content. It's typically made from ingredients like mayonnaise, ketchup, and sugar, which are calorie-dense and contain significant amounts of unhealthy fats, particularly saturated fats.
"This dressing is not only packed with calories due to its high-fat content, but the kind of fat it carries can be a concern," she says, noting that it's "high in saturated fat which is known to increase the bad cholesterol in the body."
She adds, "Excessive saturated fat intake is associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to fat storage, commonly in the belly area."
Luckily, there are better options to consider. "As a healthier alternative, consider a Greek yogurt-based dressing or simply a vinaigrette," she suggests.

2. Barbecue Sauce
Many commercial barbecue sauces are loaded with added sugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, which quickly add extra calories. Just a few tablespoons can contain more sugar than you might expect, leading to a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time, consuming too much sugar can contribute to fat storage, particularly around the abdomen.
"Barbecue sauce commonly has high levels of added sugar. Half a cup (143g) of it already contributes to about 240 calories. This can largely contribute to a high amount of fat and calories which contributes to belly fat," she says.
Gervacio say that it's best to make a homemade barbecue sauce made with spices, herbs, vinegar, and even with natural sugars from fruits like apples or pears!"