The One Default Setting Apple Doesn’t Want You To Know Is Slowing Your iPhone
November 19, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
If you’ve always assumed the settings that your iPhone comes with, already set up for you, are meant to stay in place forever, you could be missing out on a golden opportunity to give your device back some much-needed battery power and speed. Not all settings are good for your phone, or even necessary, and knowing which ones you can part ways with can really help increase your phone’s speed and make it a better-working device for your needs. This is the one default setting Apple doesn’t want you to know is slowing your iPhone.
Siri SuggestionsWho wouldn’t love to have a personal assistant? With that said, Siri Suggestions takes from your phone more than it gives back to you when it comes to battery power and speed, says Josh Jameson, CEO of Compare Internet.
“Apple’s digital assistant, Siri, will make personalized suggestions for you based on your activity,” Jameson says. “If you go to the gym most days, Siri may suggest that destination in Maps around the time you normally go to work out. It is useful, but Siri has to run a lot of internal processes in the background to execute such complex tasks. These processes are a huge drain on your battery. To disable Siri Suggestions, navigate to Settings > Siri & Search. Under Siri Suggestions, disable suggestions from Apple in Look Up, Spotlight, Notifications, App Library & Spotlight, When Sharing, and When Listening.”