Delete These 2 Apps They Because They Take Hours Off Of Your iPhone Battery Life

August 2, 2023 by Lisa Cupido


When your iPhone battery stalls and takes forever to charge, the problem could be the apps that you have on your phone that are slowing things down big-time. Same rule applies if you feel like your phone dies after you use it for only an hour. Surely you should be getting far more time out of your device than that. So, what’s the fast solution? Try deleting some of the most common battery-draining apps that are causing you a major headache. Tech Expert Peter Michaels, the CEO of Yeespy, recommends deleting these two apps because they take hours off of your iPhone battery life. 

Social Media

Apologies in advance if you’re a huge fan of passing your time on social media apps, but downloading every one of them in existence is a surefire way to kill your battery power. 

“Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are only a few of the social media programs which are famous for his or her frequent updates and notifications,” Michaels says. “These programs typically operate in the background to retrieve fresh content, display up-to-the-minute information, and send notifications — all of which drain the battery. Additionally, media-rich feeds with lots of pictures and videos can use more energy.”

You can adjust some of the settings on each social media app to help — but deleting one or more of them is the one true way to really reduce the battery impact they have. 

Apps for gaming

Mobile games, particularly those with demanding graphics, can be power-hungry, according to Michaels. “These applications heavily rely on the graphics processing and display of the phone to provide an interesting visual experience,” Michaels says. “Extended gaming sessions have the potential to shorten battery life because they quickly deplete the battery.”

Making smart decisions about the apps that you keep on your phone and the ones you sacrifice in order to have a stronger battery connection can help ensure your phone lasts as long as possible. 


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