Sick of your weight loss regimen not showing the desired results? Then it might be time to switch things up a bit. Incorportating a detox cleanse into your diet can help shed pounds and restart your system, especially after a long weekend of overindulging. Check out 4 detox cleanses experts swear by to help trim your waistline.
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Eat This, Not That! developed the ultimate 24-hour detox cleanse to rejuvenate your system, and it's actually pretty easy. The detox involves skipping breakfast (gasp!), taking a morning walk, adding a banana to your morning regimen, snacking on blueberries, and more. After a weekend (or week) of eating too much junk food or treating yourself to too many desserts, you definitely want to look into this detox.
Health also developed a healthy cleanse that's designed to help you shed those extra 5 pounds. Start with a healthy dose of banana in shake form first thing in the morning, a yummy salad for lunch, a chicken wrap for dinner, and Greek yogurt parfaits to snack on all day. Going on a cleanse doesn't mean you have to starve yourself—you just need to make healthier choices.
For another safe and healthy detox diet, Prevention developed a 3-day cleanse to help get your digestion back on track. This detox involves adding more antioxidants to your diet, like fruits and whole grains. You also need to stick to organic groceries and drink herbal detox teas throughout the cleanse period.
To cleanse your entire diet for weight loss, nutritionist Keri Glassman, M.S., R.D., recommends eating specific detoxing foods. Stock up on foods like artichoke, avocado, yogurt, and broccoli. Glassman raves that these foods can help get rid of hunger cravings (goodbye, sweet tooth) and cleanse your digestive system.