
9 Detrimental Breakfast Foods That Lead To Glucose Spikes & Sugar Cravings, Doctors Warn: Breakfast Bars & More

July 4, 2024 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Food

Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for sustaining energy throughout the day and avoiding unhealthy cravings. One of the best ways to ensure stable blood sugar is starting your day with a healthy breakfast. However, many popular breakfast foods can have the opposite impact, causing rapid glucose spikes, leading to a subsequent crash and intense sugar cravings.

To shed some light on a few of the worst options out there, we spoke to health experts Dr. Erik Natkin, MD, and Dr. Rimas Geiga, MD, registered dietitian nutritionist. They highlighted major offenders and suggested healthier alternatives. Here are nine breakfast foods you should cut out of your morning routine immediately, along with more nutritious options to keep you energized and satisfied.

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cereal splashing into bowl

1. Sugary Cereals

A bowl of cereal is an undeniably convenient option on busy mornings, but the toll it can take on your health may not be worth it. "Sugary cereals like Fruit Loops or Cinnamon Toast Crunch are mostly refined carbs and sugar," warns Dr. Natkin. "These digest into glucose within minutes, providing a quick burst of energy followed by an inevitable crash, spurring cravings."

Dr. Geiga agrees, noting that many breakfast cereals are packed with added sugars, causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for whole-grain cereals with no added sugars and sweeten them with fresh fruit.


2. Muffins and Donuts

When you're craving something delicious and sweet in the morning, options like muffins and donuts may sound ideal. Unfortunately, they're a less than favorable option for your waistline. "Muffins and donuts are essentially cake for breakfast, filled with sugar, refined flour, and trans fats," explains Dr. Natkin. "They spike blood sugar severely and leave you hungry soon after."

Similarly, Dr. Geiga points out that muffins and pastries often contain refined sugars and fats. A healthier option is to bake your own using whole-grain flour, oats, and natural sweeteners like mashed bananas or applesauce.

pancake batter pouring into pan

3. Pancakes with Syrup

There's nothing like homemade pancakes on a Sunday morning. But if you're watching your blood sugar and your weight, you may want to go with a healthier option. "Pancakes are refined carbs that spike blood sugar on their own, but adding sugary syrup compounds the problem," Dr. Natkin highlights. "1/4 cup of syrup contains over 50 grams of sugar, creating an unhealthy glycemic load." Consider making your own pancakes using whole-grain flour and minimal sweeteners, or skipping the syrup altogether in favor of fresh fruit toppings.

bagels with cream cheese

4. Bagels

We love a delicious bagel sandwich as much as the next person, but the unfortunate truth is that regularly eating this carby breakfast can be terrible for your health. As refined carb options with a high glycemic index, bagels quickly break down into sugar in the bloodstream," cautions Dr. Natkin. "Bagels lack nutrition and satiety, leading to an energy crash and hunger soon after." Instead, try whole-grain or whole-wheat bread for more sustained energy.

flavored yogurt

5. Flavored Yogurt

When you choose the right kind, yogurt is fantastic, healthy breakfast. Greek yogurt, for example, is packed with health benefits that can help you shed pounds. However, you should be wary of flavored yogurts.

"Flavored yogurts often contain high amounts of added sugars," notes Dr. Geiga. "Choose plain Greek yogurt and add your own fresh berries or a drizzle of honey for sweetness." This way, you get the benefits of yogurt without the excess sugar.

person putting white bread in toaster

6. White Bread

White bread is a staple in many households, but the refined carb content can be a nightmare for your blood sugar levels, making this a poor breakfast choice. "White bread and pastries made from refined flour lack fiber and can cause a quick rise in blood sugar," advises Dr. Geiga. "Switch to whole-grain or whole-wheat bread, which provides more sustained energy and better nutritional value." Got it!

bottled starbucks lattes

7. Sweetened Coffee Drinks

Need a pick-me-up? If you're like most people, you reach for coffee upon waking. Experts warn that it's important, however, to avoid sugary varieties for your health. "Flavored coffees and sugary creamers can add a significant amount of sugar to your morning routine," cautions Dr. Geiga. "Choose black coffee or add a splash of unsweetened almond milk instead." Many coffee drinks are laden with sugars that contribute to glucose spikes and subsequent crashes, undermining your efforts to maintain stable energy levels throughout the morning.

bottled fruit juice on shelves

8. Fruit Juices

Fruit juice may seem like a natural, healthy morning beverage. Unfortunately, though, most varieties are unexpectedly loaded with sugar and stripped of the nutrients offered by whole fruit. "Fruit juices lack fiber and can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels," explains Dr. Geiga. "Opt for whole fruits or dilute juices with water." Whole fruits provide fiber and a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream.

chocolate-drizzled granola bars

9. Breakfast Bars

Although it's tempting to stock up on breakfast bars you can easily grab on your way out the door and eat on-the-go, a lot of options are unhealthy due to high amounts of sugar and other risks. "Many commercially available breakfast bars are high in sugars and low in fiber," cautions Dr. Geiga. "Look for bars with whole grains, nuts, and seeds, or make your own at home." This ensures you have control over the ingredients and can avoid excessive sugar.


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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