Doctors Agree: This Is The One Change You Should Make To Your Diet For Faster Weight Loss

December 1, 2021 by Merrell Readman


Achieving healthy weight loss can be done in a number of ways, but the most sustainable is often by making small changes to your diet that will reduce the calories you’re consuming while also increasing satiety to temper snacking. Rather than doing a complete overhaul of your diet and changing every aspect of your eating plan to only consume “clean” foods, slowly transitioning your habits to help contribute to your goals will make it easier to achieve lasting weight loss that doesn’t make you miserable or feel like you’re depriving yourself of your favorite foods.

If you’re unsure where to start as you initially work to alter your diet for healthy weight loss, there’s one change that doctors agree can help to transform your eating plan for results that will stick around.

Instead of approaching weight loss through eliminating foods in your diet, you’ll be much better served considering what you can add into your routine which will propel you towards your goals. One of the best ways to do this is by replacing heavily processed snacks and dishes with a serving of vegetables which are typically rich in fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals to help keep you full and effectively reduce overeating throughout the day. 

“The best change you should make to your diet in order to make weight loss easier is to eat four servings of veggies and three servings of fruits in a day,” says Clara Lawson, RDN. “Fruits and veggies are high in fiber and low in fat and calories, which means they will keep you fuller and curb your cravings for unhealthy options. Besides, they are packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that fight off many diseases,” she adds.

Along with increasing your vegetable intake, the amount of fiber you’re consuming will naturally skyrocket as well which can help to increase satiety, reduce snacking, and overall make it easier to maintain the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss. “Fiber is shown in medical research to improve weight loss outcomes in a dose-dependent manner. This means the more fiber you eat, to a limit, the more weight you can lose,” explains Illuminate Labs medical advisor Andrea Paul. “The reason fiber is so effective for weight loss is it increases satiation without increasing calories. It's indigestible plant matter that occupies space in your stomach, making you feel full faster.” 

Some of the best, fibrous vegetables to integrate into your diet for weight loss include broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and kale. As cruciferous vegetables, they’re packed with a variety of nutrients which will keep you full for longer, and can be prepared in a number of ways so you never get bored of your diet. Leafy greens such as spinach and arugula are also great to include in your diet as well, helping to lower your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, and naturally promoting weight loss without you ever feeling depleted. 

Rather than depriving yourself of essential nutrients, drastically cutting down your calorie intake, and removing your favorite foods from your diet in order to lose weight, simply replacing a serving or two of processed foods each day with veggies can help to naturally improve your eating habits. Over time, this will reduce your cravings for less healthy food, promoting sustainable weight loss in a way which does not focus on minimalism. 

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