3 Dinner Mistakes That Are Clogging Your Arteries And Raising Your Risk Of Heart Disease, Cardiologists Warn

June 23, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Prioritizing the health of your heart is one way to improve your overall wellbeing and lead a long, healthy life. And as it turns out, your diet is one of the most important factors to consider when it comes to keeping your heart in good shape. While there are several heart-healthy foods you can add to your diet, it’s also important to limit your intake of certain foods—including a few that may be common on your dinner plate.

To learn about a few of the worst dinner mistakes that could be increasing your risk of heart disease, we spoke to cardiologist Dr. Michael Ross MacDonald. He told us that consuming too many unhealthy fats, too much sodium, and too many refined carbs are all common pitfalls you should avoid for a healthier heart. Learn more below.

2. Too much sodium

Pass the salt? Not so fast! Eating too much salt is never a good idea for your health—especially when it comes to your heart. Sodium is another major culprit that can lead to clogged arteries, high cholesterol, and heart disease, Dr. MacDonald warms. "Limiting excessive sodium intake from processed and packaged foods is also crucial, as it can contribute to high blood pressure," he says.

3. Too many refined carbs and sugar

Sorry, pasta lovers! As delicious as they can be, Dr. MacDonald also says that you should limit your intake of refined carbs and processed sugars as much as possible if you want to keep your heart healthy.

"Consuming refined carbohydrates such as pasta and bread as well as sugary drinks like processed fruit juices and sodas can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and higher heart disease risk," he warns. It's no secret that both carbs and sugar can have serious consequences on your wellbeing, and that includes your heart health.

Ultimately, he says that the best way to go is to "choose a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in nuts and avocados." Got it!

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