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The cold weather is here and that means your lips are chapping up. It's quite possibly the worst part of the colder seasons. The air is brisk and you're constantly licking your lips to bring back some moisture. And, when that doesn't work, we try packing on the lip balm.
If a lip balm worked, why do you have to apply it so many times during the day? Well, according to dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Medical Center, using THESE kinds of lip balms can be a "vicious cycle."
[Photos: Shutterstock]

Lip balm can contain "a potentially irritating ingredient, it can cause inflammation and loss of hydration. This, in turn, causes your lips to need more moisture, so you keep applying the product and it turns into a vicious cycle," said Zeichner. One of the ingredients in lip balm that can cause irritation is fragrance. When you sniff the balm, it's usually fruity or floral, that's because of the added fragrance added to the formula.

Fragrance in lip balms -- and even in other skincare products -- are possible irritants. If you have sensitive skin, they can cause you to flare up, give you acne, or dry out your skin.

Fragrance can also be allergens. The fragrance is often put in lip balm to mask other chemical smells. With this ingredient in lip balm, it's more likely that your lips will continue to be dry, or be irritated, therefore making you want to use it more!

So next time you're in the drugstore, try finding an organic lip balm, or a product that doesn't contain fragrance. Trust us, your lips will feel SO much better once you do!