The One Creamer Brand You Should Never Put In Your Coffee Because It’s SO Fattening: Dunkin Donuts

November 16, 2020 by Merrell Readman


There are few things sweeter than your first sip of coffee in the morning. Whether you prefer it tart and black or a glorified dessert, the joys of a cup of coffee can be universally appreciated. If you make your coffee at home, how you sweeten it can be just as important as the actual coffee itself. Now more than ever, grocery store shelves are stocked with every flavor of creamer you could imagine to craft a Starbucks level latte in your kitchen. But there’s one creamer that experts warn you should steer clear of–particularly if you’re not looking to drink your daily calories.

Dunkin Donuts brand coffee creamer is the worst option to purchase if you don’t intend to load up your cup of joe with excess calories and sugar to start off your day. Registered dietitian Trisa Best explains that just one tablespoon of creamer can add up quickly in your coffee in terms of calories per serving.

Since most people don’t measure before they pour, you could be adding up to 90 extra calories and 18 grams of sugar to your coffee without even knowing. She says, “Creamers loaded with added sugar and sweeteners pack on extra calories and ingredients that feed bad gut bacteria and lead to gut dysbiosis.”

Sugar is incredibly difficult for your body to metabolize, creating a losing battle for weight loss if you consume it in high amounts. Instead, Best recommends opting for a more natural sweetener such as monk fruit or stevia which will flavor your beverage without overloading your coffee with unnecessary sugar. She explains that natural sweeteners cannot be used by bacteria as a food source in your gut, therefore preventing digestion issues that regular creamers create.

If you’re looking for an alternative to flavor your coffee with, Best suggests the brand Better Half for a plant-based, low-sugar option with only 15 calories per serving. In general, she notes that creamers made with coconut milk aid in adding natural sweetness to your drink that can taste just as delicious with a little more nutritional value.

Coffee is a necessary pick-me-up that on its own can be great for your health. But if black coffee isn’t up your alley, it’s important to be cognizant of the nutritional value of your creamer--especially if you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight. While America does run on Dunkin, your homemade coffee doesn’t have to, instead focusing on a more natural sweetener that will provide the same satisfaction with fewer calories!

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