3 Easy Exercises To Kickstart Fat Burn Every Morning

June 9, 2023 by Faith Geiger


If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to stick to a great workout routine in addition to a healthy diet. And when it’s time to make that early-morning trip to the gym, it does a lot of good to know which exercises can help you burn the most fat. While you may frequently consider the best forms of cardio to shed pounds fast, weight training can also be an extremely valuable tool as you work towards your weight loss goals.

To discover some of the best options out there, we spoke to certified personal trainer and performance coach Keith Hodges, founder of Mind In Muscle Coaching. He told us that the Barbell Back Squat, Barbell Dead Lift, and Deadlifts To Row are always good ways to go. Learn more about each of these moves below.

1. Barbell Back Squat

Squats are one fantastic way to increase fat burn by triggering a metabolic and hormonal response—and when you add barbells to the mix, they’re even better. Hodges tells us that a Barbell Back Squat “targets the entire lower body and posterior chain.” That includes your glutes, thighs, back, shoulders, arms, and core. Here’s how it’s done, according to him:

1. Begin with the barbell resting on your trapezius with legs shoulder-width apart or wider.

2. Make sure your core is engaged.

3. Squat or sit as if you’re going to sit on a chair.

4. Drive your feet through the floor to extend the hips and stand up.

2. Barbell Dead Lift

A Barbell Dead Lift is another great fat-burning move that targets your whole body, including the anterior and posterior chain. It’s a wonderful way to burn a ton of calories and build muscles. Hodges told us how to do it:

1. Stand with your feet under the barbell, shoulder-width apart or wider.

2. Squat the grip the barbell with your arms outside of your legs.

3. Make sure your chest is up to create pre-tension.

4. Drive your feet through the floor, extend the hips and stand up.

5. Return to starting position.

3. Deadlift To Row

Here’s one more exercise that can work your entire posterior chain for optimal fat burn. A Deadlift To Row is essentially just what it sounds like: a move that takes you from a deadlift to a row. Who would’ve thought?! Hodges broke it down for us:

1. Start with legs shoulder-width apart and dumbbells by your side.

2. Engage your core to secure your lower back.

3. Hinge your hips until your eyes, chest and naval are parallel to the ground.

4. Retract your shoulder blade then pull the dumbbells to your sides.

5. Lower your arms and extend your hips to stand up.

So, there you have it: 3 muscle-building, fat-burning exercises you can start your day with next time you hit the gym in the morning. When you combine workouts like these with a balanced diet and healthy habits, you’ll be one step closer to the body of your dreams.

READ MORE: Trainers Recommend Quick Exercises You Can Do Each Morning To Blast Abdominal Fat

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