This Is The Only Way You Should Be Making Your Eggs—It’s Saves SO Many Calories!

November 13, 2020 by Merrell Readman


Eggs are well known as a go-to breakfast for weight loss. They’re high in protein, will keep you full for hours, and are so versatile in how they can be prepared. But just because they have all the potential to be healthy, doesn’t mean they necessarily are. Some preparations of eggs minimize the benefits of the breakfast staple, adding on unnecessary calories that could be allocated to other meals in your day. If you plan on including eggs in your morning routine or just want to ensure the nutritional benefits of your meals, a registered dietitian has some advice as for how to cut unnecessary calories from your favorite breakfast.

Cooking your eggs without added fat will save you calories without sacrificing taste. Registered dietitian Megan Wong advises opting out of oil and butter when approaching your egg preparations, instead choosing a hard boiled or poached egg that is cooked with only water. She explains that while delicious, “fried or scrambled eggs will pack on 35-40 extra calories per teaspoon of oil or butter used.”

Healthy fats are an important part of any diet, but they can be found in foods like avocado or even egg yolk without needing to add oil or butter to provide you with that macronutrient. If you do plan to cook with oil, consider using a spray so you can control how much goes on your pan, or measure out your butter instead of eyeballing it.

If scrambled or fried eggs are your bread and butter, Wong recommends cutting out the egg yolk, doubling down instead on the white. She says, “An egg yolk has around 55 calories while the white has 17--the catch is, you’ll be missing out on most of the vitamins and minerals by skipping the yolk.”

Depending on how you prefer your eggs to be prepared, there are simple adjustments you can make to ensure you’re in a caloric deficit for healthy weight loss. Whether you prefer getting your fats from the egg yolk or a little added oil, eggs are a great breakfast option which is naturally low in calories and can be easily adjusted to optimize your weight loss!

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