Privacy Experts Say You Should Be Using This One Email Setting On Your iPhone–It Blocks Hackers!
August 30, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
As if there isn’t enough to worry about on your phone when it comes to hacking attempts, Gmail is another potential avenue for hackers to can gain entry into your account and wreak havoc. Considering how much personal information you may share over email, it’s more important than ever to make use of Gmail’s settings and protect your data. Think about it: your Gmail could be filled with email exchanges between you and shopping sites, which clues hackers into which sites have your credit card information, as well correspondences about banking issues, student loan questions, and so much more. Take these simple steps now to make your Gmail so much safer. Privacy experts say you should be using this one email setting on your iPhone—it blocks hackers.
Password GeneratorHow difficult is it to come up with 100 different and unique (and challenging) passwords for every site you visit? Unfortunately, it’s a must — especially when you’re signing onto your email. The goods news is you don’t have to continually flex your creative bone because Password Generator is a setting that makes it so much easier. If you have Google Chrome, this setting will create a complex, multi-letter, number, and symbol password that is so much harder for hackers to figure out.