One Daily Mail article listed a series of quotes from the book, and they clearly did not think the book portrayed the reality.
The article explains, "But eyebrows have been raised by the fulsome praise heaped on the couple in the book by both the authors and an army of unnamed friends and sources."
One quote from the book that apparently provoked eye rolls was "Meghan’s willingness to help others and her drive to excel meant she often was deemed 'fake' by classmates at school who felt it was impossible for anyone to be that 'perfect.'"
According to the book. Meghan's time at school was defined by her work ethic: "By not partying like most of her normal college kids. Her friends would never run into Meg, as they called her, at a bar in the middle of the week. Friday nights, when her sorority sisters were all going out to parties, Meg was headed to professors’ houses to babysit."
This picture of a studious Meghan Markle might not sound too suspicious, but the public is not convinced of this "perfect" image.
Markle was not the only one to receive criticism from the book. Prince Harry's relationship with William was also questioned--especially Harry's version of the story. According to the book, "There had been moments where he felt people working with his brother had put things out there to make William look good, even if it meant throwing Harry under the bus."
The source continued, "It was a confusing time, and his head was all over the place—he didn’t know who or what to believe, and he and William weren’t talking enough either, which made everything a lot worse."
It is not only the British tabloids who are criticizing the book. One skeptical Twitter user wrote, "In case you're still on the fence, let me assure you that #FindingFreedom is nothing but a PR puff piece for #MeghanMarkle at the expense of everyone around her, even #PrinceHarry."
Amazon reviewers also criticized the book. One wrote, "Written as if fictional instead of a documentary!!! All positive for Megan and Harry and negative for anyone else. There are always two sides to every story and this one is fiction and one sided."