How Does Facial Acupuncture Work?
Often seen as a natural alternative to botox, facial acupuncture addresses the skin’s overall health to promote a more healthy and youthful appearance. The process involves a trained acupuncturist inserting about 50 tiny needles into the face in order to incite the body’s natural healing.
The result is a stimulation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems to help deliver nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells. In essence, the body is naturally repairing itself for a healthier look and feel.
Where To Get A Facial Acupuncture Treatment
As with any intensive skincare treatment, facial acupuncture should only be done by a trained professional. If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, find a licensed acupuncturist with experience in facial treatments.
Depending on where you live and what type of treatment you choose, facial acupuncture can cost anywhere from $25 to $1,500.
Facial Treatments Similar To Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture is effective because it works with the body’s natural ability to heal itself. But if you aren’t ready to have needles inserted into your face, there are still ways to experience a similar result through a different treatment.
The most common alternative is derma-rolling, which uses an at-home facial roller made with tiny micro needles. You simply roll the device over your skin in a process that takes less than five minutes to improve circulation and stimulate collagen production.
Other similar treatments include facial acupressure and micro-needling.