What Is Facial Balancing?
As the name implies, facial balancing is using hyaluronic dermal fillers to create volume in key areas of the face in an effort to achieve a more proportional face. If you’ve spent any time on beauty TikTok you might have stumbled upon filters that create this balance for you — maybe they fill out your temple a bit more, plump up your lips slightly, and make your jawline rounder. You may not even be able to put your finger on what has changed, but the result is more harmonious and makes you look more rested.
Despite its modern relevancy thanks to apps like TikTok, facial balancing is inspired by Grecian sculpture, according to experts like Dr. Melissa Doft, MD, a double board-certified plastic surgeon and clinical assistant professor of surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College, who adds that people are thinking more about “classic proportions” these days. The “Golden Ratio” that doctors who perform these procedures have in mind literally uses a mathematical formula to determine what proportion of facial length to width is most visually appealing, as well as things like the “ideal” distance from the top of the nose to the center of the lips.
Does all of this mean that your dermatologist is going to break out a measuring tape the next time you ask for filler? No (let’s hope not). The modern approach to facial balancing respects your face and its unique features, while simply adding enough volume to create harmony between your cheeks, nose, chin, and jaw.
So, whereas filler of a decade ago may have focused solely on the lips and cheeks — and on plumping them up using perhaps too much filler at one time, which can create an unnatural look — the trend now is to move away from extreme facial features and move toward a more balanced face.
Keep in mind that not all practitioners will refer to this type of procedure by the name “facial balancing,” and that many have been achieving beautiful results using exactly this subtle method for years. Think of facial balancing the way you would trusting that the chef at a great restaurant will serve you an amazing catch of the day instead of expecting you to order from a menu with a hundred items. A doctor with a great eye should be able to address your concerns by pointing out to you areas of the face where they see volume loss that and where balance can be achieved — rather than plumping your lips or cheekbones again and again and ignoring the rest of your face.
A few things to keep in mind before you book your filler appointment. For starters, and most importantly, only always (always!) visit a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has a stellar reputation, even if this means having to pay a bit more — remember, this is your face. Second, prepare for the cost of filler, which can range from $850 and up and depends on how many vials your doctor feels they’ll need to achieve great results. Booking a consultation beforehand to get an estimate on how much filler they feel is needed is a good way to prepare yourself before your appointment.
Your doctor should provide a list of guidelines on what to expect: which supplements and medications to avoid prior to your procedure to help prevent bruising, for example. But even the best doctor can leave you with a bruise — so make sure you book your appointment at least two weeks before any major event so that you’ll have time to heal.
Lastly, get a good understanding of what is possible with filler and what isn’t. Filler creates volume and can help subtly lift the face — but it won’t give you face-lift results. If your goal is get rid of deep wrinkles or address sagging skin, discuss with your provider if there are other options that can work more effectively.