The Fat-Burning Sauce You Should Put On Literally Everything To Keep Your Metabolism Going All Day, According To A Nutritionist

September 16, 2020 by SheFinds Health


If you’re trying to lose weight, we have a recipe you’re going to love. It’s for a low-calorie turmeric salad dressing that you can add to just about everything to boost your metabolism and help burn more calories. This dressing works great on salads, sandwiches and even toppings for grains like rice or barley.

The turmeric salad dressing is fantastic for your health because the only ingredients are turmeric, garlic, pepper, honey, Dijon mustard and a little bit of olive oil. Plus, these all work together to make a great flavor.

Why Turmeric Is Good For Your Metabolism

Turmeric has often been used to support the metabolism because it contains a chemical compound called curcumin, which provides anti-inflammatory benefits that increase the metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Key Benefits Of Turmeric

- Fights against inflammation in the body

- Increases metabolism speed

- Promotes weight loss

How To Make Turmeric Salad Dressing

It is really simple to make turmeric salad dressing. All you need to do is throw the ingredients into a small food processor and grind them together until combined. It will literally take you five minutes!

Get the full recipe from Clean Cuisine.

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