It’s no secret that your diet plays a major role in your gut health. If you struggle with digestive issues, we probably don’t have to tell you twice that there are certain foods that can worsen the matter, such as dairy, processed sugar, and red meat. However, luckily, there are also foods that can do wonders for your gut health—including one type of food that health experts swear by: fermented foods.
From kimchi to gherkins, fermented foods aren’t only delicious; they can also be incredible for your overall health thanks to the healthy bacteria they add to your gut. To learn more about all of their benefits and exactly how they can promote overall wellness, we spoke to nutrition and gut health experts Paulina Lee, dietitian and creator of Savvy Stummy, and Lisa Richards, nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet. Read on for all of their insight and recommendations!

Benefits of fermented foods
If you know anything about gut health, you likely know a thing or two about the importance of probiotics, which Lee describes as "live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed, particularly for our gut health. " And as it turns out, one of the best ways to get more of them into your diet is by adding fermented foods to your plate every day. "Probiotic, fermented foods can help to repopulate the good bacteria in your intestines," Richards says. "These can be taken at the same time as probiotic supplements and are a great addition to any diet."
So, how exactly do fermented foods promote a healthier gut? Lee breaks the process down for us: "When foods become fermented, it creates beneficial bacteria that help grow and support our healthy gut bacteria," she says. That's super important for your gut health; all the trillions of bacteria and microorganisms in your digestive track make up your gut microbiome, which requires the right amount of good bacteria in order to thrive. Luckily, "Probiotic foods like these are filled with a wide variety of probiotic strains that bring good bacteria into the gut."
Lee goes on to say that fermented foods and probiotics "may also decrease gut-associated inflammatory signaling, which contributes to inflammation, insulin resistance, blood sugar regulatory problems, poor immunity and other metabolic imbalances" and may could even help skin issues like eczema, acne, and psoriasis. Who knew?!

Best fermented foods for gut health
So, now that you know how powerful of a tool fermented foods can be when it comes to gut health, which ones should you eat? There are tons of options out there. Lee recommends adding kimchi to soups, stir fries, and rice—especially if you love spicy food. Kefir is another option that works great on its own as a dessert or snack, or as an ingredient in dressings, sauces, smoothies, and more! Other great options include miso, sauerkraut, kombucha, and more. The possibilities are practically endless; it's all about finding the foods you love!
All in all, when your gut health is in order, your whole body benefits from it. As Richards notes, "By improving the health of your gut you are bringing balance back to your life and preventing/reducing bloat, indigestion, fatigue, nausea, gas, diarrhea, yeast infections, and general unwellness." And eating fermented foods is one of the best, easiest ways to reap all of these benefits!