The Four Foods You Should Be Eating Daily If You Suffer From Hair Loss, According To Doctors
March 4, 2023 by Merrell Readman
This post has been updated since its initial publish date to include more expert insight.
Hair loss is a common yet frustrating struggle that can leave a significant mark on your self-esteem, making it increasingly difficult to style the hair that you do have. Stemming from a number of causes, some preventable and some less so, hair thinning also has an array of potential treatments beginning with growth supplements and ending with stimulant products to be applied directly to the scalp.
If you’ve been suffering from hair loss and feel as though you’ve tried every topical cure across the board, there’s one thing that may make a significant impact on your locks without shelling out cash: your diet. We spoke with Dr. Dominic Burg, chief scientist, hair biologist, microbiologist, and trichologist for evolis Professional, and Amy Neuzil, ND of to get a sense of the best food to incorporate into your daily routine for hair regrowth, and this is what he had to say.
While according to appearances your hair is a marker of beauty, struggling with hair loss can also be an indicator that something is off with your internal health. Therefore, working towards a healthier body via your diet will naturally have a positive impact on your strands as well. “The condition of our hair is often the first thing to be affected if there is a nutrient imbalance, illness, or stress. So, if you are experiencing thinning or hair loss, brittle hair, and nails, or dull skin you need to take a holistic view of your health and nutrient intake,” explains Burg. That being said, there are three particular nutrients you should prioritize in your foods for sparking hair growth.