The One Food You Should STOP Ordering At McDonald’s Right Now, According To Health Experts

September 19, 2020 by SheFinds Health


We all know that eating fast food is pretty bad for our health. Even still, it is a guilty pleasure many of us rely on from time to time for an indulgence. No one goes to McDonald’s with intentions of ordering a healthy meal, however there are some foods on the menu that are even worse for you than others – and one that you should never, ever eat.

Most foods on the McDonald's menu are deep fried in oils, which add a ton of fat to the ingredients. This is why most orders end up being extremely high in calories, carbs and fat.

It is never a good idea to load up on fats or carbs, but the absolute worst time to eat these types of meals for breakfast. Your first meal of the day should be high in vitamins and minerals to give your metabolism a nice boost, not fats and carbs.

This is why the McDonald's Big Breakfast Platter with hotcakes and a biscuit is the worst thing you can order from the fast food chain. It might even be the worst item on the menu, because it contains over 1,000 calories and 56 grams of fat.

This breakfast meal contains at least half of your daily recommended calorie intake. Anything that has that many calories should be avoided, at all costs.

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