4 Foods That Have An Absurd Amount Of Sugar

May 30, 2017 by Jennifer Hussein

We all know that almost every sweet tea and dessert is packed with tons of sugar, but don't be fooled, since sugar is hidden in much more than candy and chocolate! That's right, there are tons of foods that you would never expect to be loaded with sugar, but now SheFinds is here to point them out. The following foods are filled with such an absurd amount of sugar that you'll want to stay away from them forever, watch out!

[Photos: Shutterstock]

Who would've thought that ketchup would be loaded with sugar? America's favorite condiment actually has about 4 grams of sugar per tablespoon, more than a chocolate chip cookie!

Many people use granola as a "healthier" alternative to sweets, but it's still actually loaded with sugar. Most granolas are actually extremely high in sugar, containing as high as 12.5 grams of sugar in a serving. That's more than a can of soda, yikes!

A cup of you average flavored yogurt could pack on tons of sugar in your diet. Low-fat yogurts have been notorious for having up to 17 grams of sugar, almost as much as a Twinkie!

Don't be fooled by sports drinks! They can contain as much as 21 grams of sugar per serving. And since sprts drinks bottles are usually much bigger than one serving, you could be consuming as much as double that amount of sugar.

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