Health Experts Agree: These Are The 5 Foods You Should Be Eating Everyday To Make Weight Loss SO Much Easier

June 15, 2021 by Merrell Readman

Nadezhda Moryak from Pexels

A healthy and balanced diet is one of the primary factors which determines the success with which you’ll be able to maintain or lose weight. Although exercise is another important piece to the puzzle, the old saying that abs are made in the kitchen stands true, and you can’t out-exercise a bad diet if you want to see visible results.

While the reality is that you can eat most things in moderation and still make the progress you’re looking for, there are certain food items which hold more value to your body, providing nutrients which will move you towards your goals and fuel your muscles to achieve greater strength and energy throughout the day. If you’re looking to optimize your diet for weight loss, health experts agree that there are five foods which, when made a regular staple in your eating plan, can make a profound difference in your weight loss success so you can both feel and look great this summer.


Healthy fats and protein are two of the most important macronutrients to include in your diet for weight loss. They help to keep you full and feed your muscles, making it easier to lose weight while building your strength as well. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, boosting heart health, and it also contains vitamin B-12 which is well known for supporting a faster metabolism. Healthline reports, “One study in children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease found that supplementing with DHA, the main omega-3 found in salmon, led to significantly greater reductions in liver fat and belly fat, compared to a placebo.”

Greek Yogurt

Another great source of protein, plain greek yogurt is devoid of the influx of sugar that many yogurts offer, while still keeping you full and nourished for weight loss. High protein foods are essential for increasing satiety, making it easier to maintain the necessary calorie deficit that will ensure healthy weight loss. Medical News Today even reports, “A further study found that increasing dietary protein led people to consume fewer calories overall, which contributed to greater weight loss.” In addition, “Eating Greek yogurt, as part of a balanced diet that includes enough protein, fibrous carbohydrates, and healthful fats may aid weight loss and boost metabolism.”


A lean source of protein that is low in fat, chicken is one of the best foods you could eat regularly to contribute to healthy weight loss. Easy to prepare and include in a variety of lunch and dinner meals, chicken is not only packed with protein, but calcium as well. Chicken is also a lower calorie protein source, so paired with a healthy carb and vegetable, it makes for a well balanced and calorically modest meal for weight loss. Healthline reports, “Studies show that increasing your intake of protein may enhance feelings of fullness, increase weight loss, and help maintain lean body mass. When paired with resistance training, protein can also help promote muscle growth. What’s more, protein is involved in calcium metabolism and important for optimizing bone health.”

Cruciferous Vegetables

Packed with vitamins and minerals to support a healthy immune system and metabolism, cruciferous vegetables are some of the best for promoting weight loss. Including broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and a variety of greens, these particular veggies are packed with fiber which will help to increase satiety and limit overeating throughout the day. Not only are these vegetables anti-inflammatory, but some even provide ample plant-based protein which naturally fuels weight loss in keeping you full and satisfied after a meal. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 2.5 to 3 cups of cruciferous veggies per day will do the trick.

Whole Grains

Carbohydrates are essential for energizing your body, and whole grains are the best way to consume them to support weight loss. Oats, whole grain bread, and brown rice are all included, and can help to boost your metabolism, naturally promoting increased fat burn which will allow for you to create a calorie deficit with ease. Medical News Today reported on a study where the participants consumed whole grains for weight loss, writing, “Participants who consumed whole grains – an amount that matched the recommended daily allowance for fiber – lost almost an extra 100 calories per day than the participants who consumed refined grains without much fiber.” Throw together a bowl with brown rice, chicken, and cruciferous veggies and you have the perfect lunch or dinner for weight loss any day of the week.

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