Although aging is a natural part of life, certain foods can accelerate its effects. If you’re concerned about premature wrinkles and fine lines, it’s advisable to heed the advice of skincare specialists.
After speaking with dermatologists and medical professionals, we’ve identified three sugary and chemically-laden foods to avoid if you wish to preserve your skin’s firmness and prevent fine lines, dark spots, and an undesirable dehydrated appearance.
They also recommended specific foods to incorporate more into your diet for better skin health.

3 Processed Foods That Lead To Dull Complexions And Faster Aging, Dermatologists Say
1. Full-Fat Butter & Margarine
Scientific research shows that foods "do in fact" affect our skin's oil production, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, founder of Future Bright Dermatology, says. "Dairy, milk products and whey protein" in particular, she notes, "increase IGF-1, which will cause oilier skin."
While consuming enough vitamin D and calcium every day is essential for your overall health, skincare expert Dr. Adrienne O’Connell, Medical Director and President of Laguna Beach Aesthetics, warns that excessive dairy can cause an even oilier and greasy-looking complexion. (And this does not mean hydrated skin, by the way, just more oil that can later clog pores and cause acne!)
Robyn Newmark, skincare expert and founder and CEO of Newmark Beauty concurs, and says that "margarine is one food you should avoid if you want to prevent wrinkles and dry skin." Margarine, she notes, is "frequently made with partially hydrogenated oils, one of the most prevalent trans fats." While trans fats "contribute to heart disease," she also warns that they may also accelerate the skin's aging process.
"Trans-fatty acids make the skin more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause damage to the elastin and collagen in the skin," she goes on. Additionally, she says that "margarine can cause chronic inflammation, speeding up the formation of wrinkles."

2. Breakfast Pastries
Breakfast pastries or other foods (like white bread) that come in sealed-tight plastic bags or wrappers come to mind when Kung and O'Connell are asked about foods to skip if you want to avoid oil and acne.
These ultra-processed foods, O'Connell stresses, should be limited and skipped whenever possible if you frequently experience acne-prone or dull skin. "Refined carbohydrates (often found in junk food) spike our sugar levels sending oil production into overdrive," she explains.
Saturated and trans fats found in "red meat, butter, pizza, cheese and cream," she adds, increase inflammation in the skin "which stimulates oil production." Kung adds that foods that are "high glycemic index or glycemic load" (a.k.a. sugar, juices and soft drinks, refined grains, processed foods, cured meats) can "increase free androgens and insulin growth factor 1." This in turn, she notes will increase sebum production and allow for shinier skin.

3. Sugary Cereal
Like refined carbs in the aforementioned foods, sugars can also make thinning hair and premature aging skin so much worse, Sethi says. Many processed cereals feature heavy amounts of sugar that can lead to faster hair loss and wrinkling skin.
"Excess refined sugar consumption causes intrinsic damage to collagen and elastin proteins in skin by the formation of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)," she explains.
"This reduces the integrity and elasticity of skin, making it prone to dehydration and wrinkling," she adds. Alternatively, "fruits can satisfy a sweet tooth" if you're used to a sweeter breakfast, and they "also hydrate the skin due to their high water content."

The Bottom Line
While having potato chips, butter, margarine, white bread or other refined carbs and sugary drinks once in a while is fine, Sethi and Factor note that eating them (or foods like them) every day or multiple times a week without drinking enough water can wreck havoc on your complexion.
Instead of foods with salt, Sethi suggests trying to "season foods with lemon, black or red pepper and dried herbs." Sethi adds that "over time, the body will stop craving higher levels of salt while remaining more hydrated."
She also points out that "drinking at least 10 glasses of water (8 oz each) and of course, limiting consumption of such foods to once a week or less is the best way to achieve healthier looking skin."

Healthier Foods & Drinks To Prioritize For Supple Skin
To follow a healthy diet that will "optimize skin health," Factor says "you should consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. "The following foods all contribute to healthy, supple and hydrated skin, Factor says: "whole grains like wheat bread, brown rice, barley, millet, oatmeal and quinoa, beans." In addition, she lists: "legumes like black beans, navy beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas and lentils."
Factor concludes that vitamin C sources like "strawberries, red peppers, and grapefruit" are all no-fail snack choices if you want to prioritize your skin health, as well as leafy greens like "spinach and kale." These foods, she notes, are "rich in vitamin A, which is an antioxidant and nutrient that promotes healthy skin cell turnover." Good to know!