The Best Things You Can Eat For Inflammation
April 13, 2018 by Lisa Cupido
What can dermatologists teach us about the foods we should start eating for inflammation? A lot.
You skin is a reflection of your health — and since chronic inflammation can cause inflammatory skin damage, it helps to have an understanding of how your diet can contribute to inflammation, and also how it can relieve its symptoms.
Chronic inflammation in the body can be a culprit behind skin conditions like psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema. The foods you eat aren’t solely responsible for skin issues — factors like genetics, stress, and hormones are huge factors, as well. But, while you may not be able to control your family history, the foods you eat are within your control, and proteins and veggies such as these four anti-inflammation foods can help.
“In some cases, dietary interventions may influence the course of the skin disease, as in acne,” experts concluded in a 2014 study entitled Diet and Dermatology. “In others, dietary change may serve as one aspect of prevention, such as in skin cancer and aging of the skin. In others, dermatological diseases may be linked to systemic disease, and dietary changes may affect health outcomes, as in psoriasis.”
Incorporate these four anti-inflammatory foods into your diet and your skin will thank you.