Soda is sugar - nothing more and nothing less. Soda ls like cola have excessive amounts of caffeine that rob you of hydration - even worse. Combine all of that sugar that breaks down elastin and collagen in your skin with caffeine and you get a carbonated beverage that contributes to dryer skin that has lost its firmness.
If you’re indulging in several alcoholic drinks it is bound to show - on your face. Alcohol saps your skin of moisture. And a dry complexion can lead to redness, irritation, and - surprise! - breakouts.
White bread
You may think you’re getting your B vitamins and fiber when you make a sandwich with white bread, but the opposite is true: this simple starch has been stripped of nutrients and is a source of more sugar than you might think. Choose whole wheats and breads with nuts and seeds over the white variety.
The jury is split on whether dairy contributes to acne. Some experience a reaction to milk and cheese that results in pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. If you suspect this is happening to you, try cutting all dairy from your diet for a week to see if there is an improvement in inflammation.