Dark eye circles and spots can have various causes, including lack of sleep, genetics, and poor nutrition. In fact, an inadequate diet may worsen these under-eye issues. However, modifying your food intake can potentially reduce swelling and alleviate some symptoms. Based on the advice of dermatologists and skincare professionals, we rounded up four recommended foods to try in the new year for reducing under-eye circles.
Read on for suggestions and insight from Dr. Anna Chacon, MD, board-certified dermatologist and writer at My Psoriasis Team, Dr. Elaine F. Kung, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Future Bright Dermatology and Dr. Enrizza P. Factor, clinical dermatologist and writer at My Eczema Team.

4 Foods To Eat More Of In The New Year For Brighter Under-Eyes
1. Avocados
Avocados are "excellent superfoods for radiant skin" at any age, Chacon says, especially for mature beauties who might be struggling with dark circles. She recommends "eating them as a snack or in a substantial salad."
They are also incredibly high in vitamin E and good fats, she explains. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, Chacon notes, as it effectively fights free radicals and reduces UV damage while also softening hyperpigmentation and wrinkles around the eyes.

"You can consume avocados to help shield yourself from aging and sun damage," she points out. Although some avocados are "wrinkled and green," they can make your skin "sparkle and appear younger," she continues. Your skin's collagen is repaired by vitamin A in avocados, she adds.

Since avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fat, they "help you feel fuller for longer and are tougher to overeat because they have a tendency to fill you up," she goes on, stressing that they can also help with general health and weight loss goals as well.
"I would advise eating between a half and a whole avocado every day," she suggests. Using avocado oil in cooking and skincare is also a great way to reap the benefits of this fruit.

2. Tomatoes
When thinking of an accessible superfood to add to one's diet for skin health, Chacon recommends tomatoes.
"Tomatoes are fantastic components that may be used in a wide variety of recipes," she says, adding that "they are also regarded as a fantastic skin-friendly superfood. "They are high in beta carotene and vitamin C, she explains, which "contributes to this in part."

Tomatoes, rich in vitamin C, are considered by Chacon as a crucial element in both skincare and diet. They aid in diminishing dark circles under the eyes by improving blood flow. A pigment found in tomatoes called lycopene "helps the skin protect itself from UV damage and increases collagen production twofold," Chacon continues.

Tomatoes, she emphasizes, should be "included in the diet of anyone looking for skin-healthy foods." You can get "numerous vitamins and minerals from eating tomatoes every day," she says, and they're also super easy to add to salads, breakfast bowls, etc.

3. Spinach
Spinach contains "calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, choline, folate, riboflavin, and vitamins A, C, E, K, B6," which Kung says are all vital regarding the appearance of your complexion and under-eyes.
"Foods that contain vitamins A, C, E and carotenoids are wonderful for skin health and prevent skin aging because they are potent antioxidants," Kung adds.

She tells us that vitamins A, C, E and E prevent "discoloration and pigmentary changes that ages our appearance." Vitamin C in particular, she reiterates, is a "really important part" of collagen synthesis.
To diminish dark circles under the eyes, consuming spinach can be beneficial, Kung notes, as it contains vitamin K that fortifies blood vessel walls, thus hindering inflammation and dark circles.

4. Pomegranates
Factor notes that you’ve probably heard the saying, "you are what you eat." When it comes to "how well your skin ages, this is especially true," she says.
She adds that pomegranates are "high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties" that may "improve the skin’s elasticity and protect against skin damage and premature aging."

Eating just one pomegranate gives you about "28 mg of vitamin C," according to WebMD, which is almost "50 percent of your daily recommended intake."
Adding more vitamin C to your diet through pomegranates can "be effective at preventing the onset of wrinkles," Factor continues, as well as darkness under your eyes.

She concludes that this eating this nutrient, along with "drinking plenty of water, protecting your skin from the sun, not smoking, and managing your stress" plays a key role when it comes to keeping the delicate skin under your eyes "healthy and youthful."
With that said, these four foods sound worth a try to us!