Studies Show This Common Fast Food Item Is Linked To Anxiety And Depression

May 4, 2023 by Faith Geiger


Would you like fries with that? It may be a no-brainer that “No” is the best answer to this question if you want to keep your waistline slim (just look at some of the health effects of regularly eating French fries!). But did you know that this deviously delicious fast food side may get in the way of your mental wellbeing as well? According to a recent study conducted in Hangzhou, China, there may be a link between eating hot chips (a.k.a. French fries) and mental health issues like depression and anxiety, 7News reports.

We spoke to dietitian Heidi Moretti to hear her thoughts on this new research and learn more about why you may want to limit your intake of fries if you want to stay healthy and happy. Find more info on the study and Moretti’s expert insight below.

French fries may be linked to anxiety and depression

According to 7News, the study surveyed nearly 141,000 participants and found that those who ate more fried foods like fried potatoes, including French fries, had a higher risk of experiencing depression and anxiety. There may be a few reasons for this link, one being the high levels of trans fats found in fried foods, including fries (as well as this dinner food health experts want you to avoid). Trans fats have been previously linked to a range of health issues, including heart disease and inflammation, which may also be linked to depression. Moretti told us that this study is "very plausible."

"This is because fried foods are inflammatory due to the oxidation of the processed oils caused by the oils reaching high temperatures," she says. "These oils are often used repeatedly in restaurants, which further increases the breakdown of these fats and further damages the body due to inflammation and free radicals. In turn, this inflammation sends threat signals to the brain and ultimately alters mood."

Learn more about the health risks of vegetable oils here.

It's worth noting that this link could also simply stem from the fact that depressed and anxious people are more inclined to reach for fried foods than those with lower levels of depression and anxiety. More research will need to be conducted before we have a better understanding of the correlation.

Ultimately, though, a balanced diet is crucial for both physical and mental health. You can find some of the best foods to eat for your brain health here.

The bottom line

It's important to keep in mind that this study has limitations. Ultimately, further research is needed to better understand the potential link between eating fries and mental health issues. However, it's always best to limit your intake of processed foods for your overall wellbeing.

"Generally speaking, avoiding fried foods and processed foods reduces the risk of mood disorders, including both anxiety and depression," Moretti concludes.

Want to learn more about how to boost your mood through your diet? Here are some more foods you should consider cutting out.

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