
The One Fried Food No One Over 40 Should Be Eating Anymore Because It Ruins Your Metabolism

May 23, 2023 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Food

There are several factors of our health that undergo changes as we age. One such change is that of our metabolism, which may gradually decline in middle age due to a number of things, from shifting hormones to lifestyle changes. However, while a bit of a slowdown is only natural, maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways to keep your metabolic rate as fast as possible. There are plenty of nutrient-rich superfoods that can keep your metabolism boosted over the years—but there are also many foods you should consider cutting out if you want to avoid a slowed metabolism as much as possible.

To discover one of the worst options out there that woman over 40 should limit their intake of, we spoke to registered dietitian Catherine Gervacio. She told us that salty French fries are a no-go for anyone who wants to keep their metabolism up. Learn more about the risks of this fried food below!

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small glass bowl of french fries beside small bowl of ketchup

Why French fries may slow your metabolism

When you're in a rush, on the road, or just craving something greasy and easy, sometimes you can't help but pull up to the drive-thru. However, while there are a few healthy-ish choices at many fast food restaurants, your go-to order could be slowing your metabolism—especially if you answer "yes" to the age-old question: "Would you like fries with that?"

There's no denying that French fries are tasty and hard to resist. But there's also no denying that if you're watching your waistline and want to keep your metabolism up, resisting them is your best option. There are a number of health concerns associated with fries, ranging from heart disease and cancer to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. And according to Gervacio, you can add a slower metabolism as one more risk to consider when you're deliberating over whether or not to add this side to your fast food order.

potatoes wrapped in brown paper

It's probably no surprise that deviously delicious French fries are packed with trans fat (that's the bad kind, unlike healthy fats like omega-3s) and calories but low in nutritional value. "Not only are [French fries] high in fat—they are empty calorie foods, which means they don't contain substantial nutrients, they only give calories, which won't be helpful for weight management and health in general," Gervacio warns.

One of the main issues with processed foods like fries, in addition to the shocking calorie content, is that they take little energy for your body to process; this is what makes them a major culprit of a slowed metabolism. Additionally, all that trans fat can cause inflammation and weight gain in the long run.

potatoes in air fryer

What to eat instead

We get it: a French fry habit can be hard to kick. But luckily, there are a few healthy options that may be able to fill the void. For a quick, easy on-to-go snack, nuts always make a fantastic, weight loss-friendly option. But if potatoes are what you really want (and they do have health benefits!), there are healthier ways to prepare them that won't put your waistline at as much risk.

"Bake your own potatoes and make them crispy. Air fryers can also be considered to lessen fat intake. It may be even better than fast-food French fries," Gervacio tells us. You may as well give it a shot next time your fry craving hits—you could be pleasantly surprised, and your body will certainly thank you!


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at

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