The One Fruit You Should Have Every Single Day To Look 10 Years Younger

September 2, 2020 by Robyn Turk


There is no magical cure to reduce the signs of aging on skin, but there are ways you can work at keeping your skin looking young and healthy. You just have to remember, it really is work. There are many reasons why our skin starts to look different as we age, such as environmental stressors, sun damage and lowered collagen production. The most important thing you can do is to replenish moisture and nutrients to your skin as much as possible.

The most common way to nourish your skin is through hydrating beauty products. But there are more steps you can take - eating the right foods to benefit your skin. One of the best ones to try is avocado.

Why Avocado Is Good For Your Skin

Avocado is high in omega-3 fatty acid, B vitamins, and vitamin A, D and E. All of these nutrients have been known to give aging skin exactly what it needs. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are powerful anti-inflammatories that protect against sun damage and rehydrate the skin to promote a soft, smooth and supple complexion.

Key Benefits Of Avocado For Skin

- Rehydrates the skin for a bright and youthful-looking appearance

- Helps the body produce more skin cells

- Fights against fine lines and wrinkles

How To Get More Avocado Into Your Routine

You can reap the benefits of avocado on your skin just by eating it. Avocados make for a great snack on their own, or you can add them into soups, salads or sandwiches. If you want to get even more avocado into your system, you can easily find some beauty products made with the fruit.

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