Many of Gadot's concerns about the movie came from "issues about her character being more aggressive than her character in Wonder Woman. She wanted to make the character flow from one movie to the next," the article explains.
However, when Gadot brought these concerns to the attention of Whedon and other Warner Bros. bosses, the reactions was not exactly supportive – particularly when it came to Whedon.
Apparently, an insider on set witnessed one of their disagreements. "Joss was bragging that he's had it out with Gal," the source told THR. "He told her he's the writer and she's going to shut up and say the lines and he can make her look incredibly stupid in this movie."
When questioned about the situation, Gadot said simply, "I had my issues with [Whedon] and Warner Bros. handled it in a timely manner."
This is not the first time Whedon has come under fire for his treatment of actors. Ray Fisher, who plays Cyborg in Justice League, accused the writer of "gross, abusive, [and] unprofessional" behavior.
Many stars who worked with Whedon on Buffy the Vampire Slayer started voicing similar experiences. Whedon has also received criticism for his original Wonder Woman script, which fans called "sexist."
Back in 2018, Whedon defended his Wonder Woman writing to Vanity Fair. "I don't know which parts people didn't like but I went and re-read the script after I heard there was a backlash. I think it's great," he said.
"People say that it's not woke enough. I think they're not looking at the big picture. It's easy to take one phrase out of context, and [I wasn't] the most woke individual who ever lived at that time, 10 years ago. But I was in there swinging and the movie has integrity and the characters have integrity and I stand by it," Whedon continued.