A Dietitian Tells Us The Best Way To Debloat ASAP In The Morning

May 23, 2023 by Georgia Dodd


Waking up with a bloated stomach is the worst way to start your day! Morning bloat brings is never comfortable and it often comes with painful side effects like cramping, excessive burping, diarrhea, constipation, swelling, gas, and more. Bloating becomes especially frustrating if you deal with it on a regular basis and it can also lead to abdominal inflammation and weight gain. Thankfully, relief is possible. There are several simple tips and tricks you can try to get things moving in your gut, reduce gas, and start off your morning right for weight loss and your overall health.

To learn more about the best way to quickly debloat in the morning, we reached out to health experts for their recommendations. They agree that drinking a cup of ginger tea first thing in the morning can not only reduce bloating and inflammation, but it can also provide a plethora of other vital benefits like boosting immunity. Read on for insight and reasons why ginger tea can help you debloat in the morning and help with your weight loss plans from Trista Best, a registered dietitian, Joanna Wen, a health coach, and Liana Werner-Gray, a certified nutritionist and natural food chef.

Drinking Ginger Tea In The Morning Can Help Reduce Bloat

Ginger tea is a herbal drink that's made from ginger root. It's long been used as a traditional herbal medicine in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and West Asia. Ginger tea is neither sweet nor savory but more herbal in flavor. It's similar to "grassy teas" like green teas but without the bitterness. Even though it is not harsh-tasting, ginger teas are often mixed with citrus and other fruits so they will taste sweeter.

The ginger in this beverage can help reduce bloat and stomach inflammation because it contains certain compounds known as gingerols and shogaols. Best, who works at Balance One Supplements, explains that these compounds create an antioxidant effect in the body that reduces free radical damage. Free radical damage, she points out, can lead to an "increase in oxidative stress that can both cause and exacerbate obesity."

Instead of starting your day with a cup of coffee, which is often made with inflammatory ingredients that can cause bloating, Best says you should drink ginger tea to get your energy in the morning. "Opting for ginger tea over coffee or other flavored teas that offer no benefits is a great way to get antioxidants and boost your overall health," she recommends. Best also says that ginger tea is "an easy addition to your current health regimen and daily routine." Plus, you won't have to compromise on the flavor and warmth that you'd be enjoying from other hot beverages.

"The most effective tea in the morning to soothe morning belly bloat is hands down ginger tea," Werner-Gray says. She notes that ginger is ideal for relieving gas and smoothing bowel movements. "It's known as an anti-inflammatory and soothes the GI tract. Ginger is rich in chemical constituents such as phenolic compounds, organic acids, raw fibers, and lipids," she adds. Plus, ginger can help "relieve nausea and reduce inflammation and swelling," Werner-Gray raves.

"One of the most effective ways to reduce bloating quickly is to incorporate ginger into your diet," Wen, who founded Spices & Greens, confirms about the bloat-fighting ingredient. As Best said, this is thanks to the specific compounds in ginger. "Ginger contains compounds known as gingerols which have digestive properties that can help with indigestion, gas, and cramps," Wen reiterates. Nice!

The Bottom Line

So, drinking a cup of ginger tea first thing in the morning can greatly help to reduce bloat. You can purchase ginger tea bags at the store or even make the beverage on your own at home. "You can make ginger tea by boiling some chopped ginger root for 15 minutes until the water turns slightly brown or yellow," Werner-Gray says, "or buy some organic tea bags." She adds that you can "add a dash of turmeric for another anti-inflammatory component, and some dried lavender to help relax the digestive system and relieve bloating." So enjoy, your digestive tract will thank you!

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