A Dietitian Tells Us The Best Blood Glucose-Stabilizing Foods To Eat Daily If You Want To Reverse Insulin Resistance And Prevent Diabetes

June 13, 2024 by Faith Geiger


In the quest for optimal health and blood sugar control, the importance of selecting the right foods cannot be overstated, especially for individuals grappling with insulin resistance or aiming to prevent diabetes. In addition to avoiding certain foods, there are some fantastic options to add to your plate. By prioritizing nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods and minimizing the consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugars, you can take proactive steps towards achieving optimal blood sugar control and safeguarding their long-term health.

We spoke to dietitian Alyssa Pacheco to discover a few of the best foods that can do just that. She told us that chickpea pasta, berries, and quinoa are among the best choices. Find all of her expert insight on the benefits of each below.

1. Berries

For Pacheco, berries are a top choice among healthy carbs for individuals with insulin resistance. Bursting with flavor, versatility, and nutritional benefits, berries are a delightful addition to your diet. Pacheco emphasizes that berries are "packed with fiber and antioxidants," making them a powerful ally in promoting optimal blood sugar control.

Whether added to a yogurt bowl, blended into a smoothie, sprinkled on oatmeal, or enjoyed as a standalone snack with a handful of cashews, berries offer a tasty and nutritious solution to satisfy your sweet cravings while supporting your health goals.

2. Chickpea Pasta

Your typical pasta is oftentimes dubbed one of the lest healthy foods out there due to the fact that it packs in refined carbs. However, chickpea pasta serves as a fantastic alternative that can do wonders for your body. Made from nutritious chickpeas, it offers an impressive amount of fiber and protein. Pacheco recommends this pasta as a great option for those dealing with insulin resistance. Whether used in cold pasta salads, atop a fresh salad, or paired with a savory sauce and meatballs, as she recommends, chickpea pasta provides a satisfying and nutritious twist to classic pasta dishes.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa, hailed as a superfood, stands out as a fantastic healthy carb option. Pacheco notes that "this whole grain is a good source of fiber and protein for optimal blood sugar control." Its versatility allows it to be seamlessly integrated into various dishes. Pacheco recommends incorporating it into salads, soups, stews, or as a side dish at dinner.

The bottom line

If you'd like to reverse insulin resistance, the role of healthy carbs cannot be overstated. Following the guidance of Pacheco and incorporating berries, quinoa, and chickpea pasta into your diet not only adds variety and flavor but also serves as a strategic approach to better blood sugar control. By making mindful choices and embracing a carb-conscious lifestyle, you can pave the way to improved health and well-being.

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