What’s The Best Day Of The Week To Go Grocery Shopping At Trader Joe’s?

January 16, 2023 by Marissa Matozzo


Fellow Trader Joe’s fans and shoppers know that browsing your local TJ’s store on the weekends means long lines, overwhelming crowds, and less of your favorite products in-stock. To avoid this, we did some research as to when (what day of the week and time) Trader Joe’s employees say is the best for your shopping needs.

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Best Time To Shop At Trader Joe’s— Early In The Week

In a recent Reddit Ask Me Anything thread, one Trader Joe’s store manager revealed that earlier in the week—specifically Tuesday and Wednesday early mornings— are the absolute best times to shop at a store near you. From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. specifically, you are more likely to find less customers.

These “irregular” hours, as reported by Aisle of Shame, are ideal since the stores “aren’t crowded and staff members have all the time to answer your questions.” Another plus for this time, the site points out, is that discovering new items is much easier with less people in the same space.

More TJ’s Shopping Tips

“Fresh produce is also restocked before the store opens, and some of it runs out by 12 p.m or 2 p.m,” the blog notes. In addition, another tip it offers is to check out the weekly Trader Joe’s fearless flyer (which is available both in store and online) to know which of your favorite limited-edition items in stock.

Something else customers may not know is that you can sample any product before buying, you just have to let a staff member know!

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