Really Long Hair
After a certain age, if your hair is extremely long and isn't layered to frame your face, you risk it making your face look longer and drawn downward. As our skin naturally ages and sags a bit, a too-long, one-layer style can look too harsh. If you love your long hair, try cutting a few long layers or even experimenting with fringe if you feel it suits your face.
Stripey Highlights
There was a time, not long ago, when bold, stripey highlights were all the rage. Unfortunately, that time has passed and if you're still rocking the old trend you may be dating yourself. Today's highlights rely more on a natural balayage technique that blends your highlights into your natural hair color. If you miss bold color, ask for a few foils around your face.
Celebrity Hair Styles From Years Ago
Still sporting Jennifer Aniston's "The Rachel" haircut from Friends or Winona Ryder's pixie cut? (Actually, ditch that last one. Ryder's pixie is always a good idea). Depending on the style you're set on, you could be telling the world that your taste is stuck in the '80s or '90s and isn't budging anytime soon. Just as both of these splendid actresses changed up their styles and looked fabulous, consider updating your own look to something more modern.
Hair That's Too Dark And All One Shade
Goth is gorgeous. But one solid hair color, especially if it's very dark and lacks highlights and depth, can be extremely aging. Our skin gets more sallow with age, which is why a little burst of lightness in the hair helps wake up the complexion and make it glow.
Hair That Is Long, Thin, And Flat
Most people deal with thinning hair as they age. And a lot of us simply don't have a ton of volume in our hair, either. Keeping your hair long and flat, however, will make hair seem even thinner. A blunt cut or lob will create an amazing amount of body in your hair and changing up your part or adding long fringe can also take years off.