Following a Balanced Diet
It may come as a surprise that a healthy and nutrient dense diet is one of the most valuable facets of strong hair growth. “Maintaining a good diet is one of the most important things you can do if you want to have healthy and strong hair. A diet regimen that is sufficient in protein and rich in vitamins and nutrients is best to support hair health,” explains Rivera. Your strands are made up of protein as it is, so including this nutrient in your diet will help to reinforce your hair, enhancing the strength and reducing risk of breakage.
Maintaining Scalp Health
Outside of your diet, taking care of your scalp will help to provide a great base for your locks so there is no building of product weighing down your strands and creating a greasy appearance. “When you are cleansing, you need to periodically use a good clarifying treatment to remove build-up from both products and the environment that can clog pores,” says Rivera. “Equally important is properly moisturizing the scalp so that it does not become dry and flaky which can lead to more serious problems if neglected.”
High Quality Styling Products
Just like in skincare, the quality of the products you use on your hair is equally as important for ensuring healthy growth. “Using a good professional wet line that includes biotin, collagen and B vitamins is also important. Biotin strengthens and helps to promote healthy hair while collagen makes the hair fuller,” says Rivera. “B vitamins help with hair growth because they contribute to producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the scalp so that hair follicles can generate new hair.” Similar to the effect of a supplement but applied directly to your hair, a high quality product such as a wet line for styling can make all the difference in preventing fallout and supporting growth.
Using The Right Styling Tools
Making sure to use the right tools for your hair type and texture is also essential for keeping damage at bay and avoiding breakage and fallout. “Tools that are designed with infrared technology are hands down the best for locking in moisture and ensuring more healthy hair,” advises Rivera. “Unlike traditional styling tools, infrared tools style from the inside to the outside. Along with moisture being locked in, the styling time is reduced so the overall exposure to heat is much lower which is great for the hair.” Seeing as heat styling tools have been proven to increase the likelihood of damaging your hair, keeping to infrared hot tools will allow you to style your strands without fear of ruining them in the future.