This post has been updated since it was originally published on November 9, 2019.
When you’re trying to lose weight, your main focus is typically your meals. You think about ways you can get more vitamins, calcium, and protein into your diet and less carbs, fats and calories. Snacks are usually an afterthought when you do your weekly meal plan and grocery shop.
If this sounds like you, the truth is that you are actually planning your diet all wrong. You should consider what you eat for snacks just as much as you plan out your meals. If you find yourself hungry and without a healthy, clean snack waiting for you in your kitchen cabinet, you will likely find yourself overeating at your next meal or worse—opting for the closest snack option that might be loaded with sugar and calories.
There is one snack that nutritionists rave about for weight loss because it is rich in protein and fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer.

A handful of nuts are the best clean snack you can eat because it basically flushes belly fat for a small stomach. You might be surprised to learn that nuts are actually pretty high in calories, though they are very unlikely to cause any weight gain because your body doesn’t absorb all the calories from nuts. Instead, eating nuts can help you lose weight. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University determined that eating nuts as a snack as opposed to something high in sodium like potato chips or pretzels can help you maintain or shed weight for long-term results.

Nuts are rich in many nutrients that are beneficial to your wellbeing in general, not just weight loss. For example, nuts are an excellent source of antioxidants that can combat stressors, plus they contain anti-inflammatory properties. Nuts have also been linked to reducing risk of heart attack or stroke and lowering cholesterol.

The Healthiest Nut Varieties
While you can’t go wrong with a handful of nuts as a clean snack, you might want to start by trying out almonds or pistachios. Almonds have been found to be an excellent aid in weight loss and a great anti-inflammatory, while pistachios are very high in fiber and might even help reduce a rise in blood sugar following a meal. Other nuts that top the health scale are walnuts, cashews and Macadamia nuts.