The Lifetime drama, which is being branded as Locklear's 'comeback role' after four years away from the small screen, is based on the book of the same name that was co-authored by Carlson and her late husband, Dr. Richard Carlson. The book spent over 100 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list and has already sold 15 million copies worldwide. It aims to teach readers how to cope in stressful situations, and not let the little things in life affect them. The film will depict the emotional moment Carlson found out her husband had passed away, and then follows her as she embarks on her new journey of being a single mom, widow, and the face and voice of the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff brand.
As we mentioned earlier, Locklear will be playing the role of Kristine Carlson, and from the pictures alone, she seems to have already got the character down! Lifetime even released a picture of Locklear and the real-life Carlson as part of the movie's promo, and we have actual goosebumps! Every time we look at the picture, we need a few moments to figure out who is who!
But it's not just her appearance that she wanted to get right, as it seems like the Perfect Man actress put a lot of time into researching the real-life character in order to perfect the role and portray her in the best way possible. According to Locklear, she consulted with Carlson about the emotional scene in the movie where she finds out that her husband had died of a pulmonary embolism, and then admitted that she wasn't quite prepared for her response. "She said, ‘It’s almost like a child dying’ — and that stopped me in my tracks," explained Locklear, mother to 24-year-old daughter Ava Sambora, who she shares with 62-year-old ex-husband and ex-Bon-Jovi-guitarist Richie Sambora.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff is Locklear's first time on screen since starring as First Lady Katelynn Christian in Tyler Perry's Too Close to Home from 2016 to 2017. The drama will drop on October 16th on Lifetime – we're counting down the days!