Experts agree that incorporating chamomile tea into your diet can aid in hair growth and help to prevent thinning hair. A longtime herbal-remedy staple, WebMD reports chamomile alleviates other conditions like nausea, anxiety, and insomnia. When applied to the skin, chamomile has wound-healing properties and may be as effective as hydrocortisone cream. Pretty powerful stuff for such a dainty flower, right?
If your strands are in need of a little TLC, then incorporating chamomile tea into your morning routine may just do the trick. Packed with chamazulene, an aromatic chemical compound with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties, chamomile tea is an easy way to unwind while giving your scalp the attention it needs.
Jean Valnet’s “The Practice of Aromatherapy: A Classic Compendium of Plant Medicines and Their Healing Properties," notes that another way to reduce or prevent hair loss is by creating a chamomile-infused hair rinse. If you're not much for sipping hot tea in the summer heat, this is a great alternative sure to give you the same hair boosting benefits.
To create your own chamomile rinse:
1. Boil water and add flowers or chamomile tea pouch
2. Steep the brew for 30 minutes
3. Let it cool completely- nobody wants a burnt scalp!
4. Rinse with the mixture and allow time for it to dry
5. Wash your hair as usual, and voilà!