Here’s What You Don’t Know About Kendall And Kylie Jenner

January 4, 2017 by Tristen Zaryn

It’s hard to believe that there are still some things that we don’t know about these two ultra famous sisters. Because they gained super stardom at an early age through their reality television series Keeping Up With The Kardashians, (where cameras obviously followed their every move) what could Kendall and Kylie Jenner have possibly kept from their fans? Find out---> 

[Photos: Splash News]

They co-authored a book

You don't know this because it wasn't really successful (that's Kris Jenner's magic!) The book titled Rebels: City of Indra only sold 13,000 copies and has terrible reviews.

They were cheerleaders in high school

Back when they were both semi-normal, Kendall and Kylie were cheerleaders in school. Is it really all that surprising?

Kendall Jenner suffers from acne

Seeing that they have access to only the best skincare products and dermatologists in the world, it's interesting to think that the supermodel once suffered from a dose of puberty like the rest of us.

Check out the DIY cream Kendall Jenner swears by.

Kylie is the most-followed person on Snapchat

Oh, the perks of being young, beautiful and related to a Kardashian! You can learn a lot about the reality star from her Snapchat, like the healthy snack she always keeps stocked in her fridge. 

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