Processed health bars
When you’re in a rush, grabbing a granola bar or protein bar can seem like an easy, convenient way to nourish your body. However, Best points out that bars like these are unfortunately packed with sugar and other processed ingredients that can take a toll on your health, especially if you eat them frequently over time.
"The health and wellness industry has been making meal replacement and protein bars for years. While this is beneficial for those needing a quick, nutrient rich meal or snack there are downsides," she says. The sugar content of these things is no joke! And we probably don’t have to tell you twice that too much sugar is never good for your overall health, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.
Overall, Best says it’s crucial that you pay attention to the labels of the food you’re buying and eating. "As the market becomes flooded with these items it is easier to become overwhelmed with lower quality options. Many of these bars are made with refined sugar, an unnecessary amount of sweeteners, and fat,” she says. Be careful to avoid anything that seems like a glorified candy bar, and whenever possible, reach for high-protein, nutrient-rich whole foods instead!
Sugary oatmeal
Homemade oatmeal is one of the best breakfasts you can eat when it comes to weight loss and your overall health. Unfortunately, though, the prepackaged, pre-flavored varieties tend to be highly processed and sugar-ridden, just like so-called health bars. As Best puts it, “prepackaged and flavored oatmeal packets are often loaded with added sugar and lacking in beneficial nutrients.” Yikes!
"Oatmeal is a great option for those wanting to replace their high fat and refined sugar breakfast staples. However, the ingredients you use to prepare this dish are important and can change the nutrient makeup of oatmeal quickly," she warns.
Richards agrees, adding that not only will processed and/or sugar-rich oatmeal potentially lead to weight gain, but can also disrupt your digestive system. "Unfortunately, these are full of bloat and gas-inducing ingredients," she says. "The added sugar, refined carbs, and potential lactose/fructose in some flavors will cause a host of negative gastrointestinal side effects."
At the end of the day, any food that’s high in sugar is going to take a toll on your overall health–and unfortunately, that typically includes many of the items that may seem healthy. Overall, it’s always important to read labels so that you know exactly what’s going into your body. If you can prioritize whole, unprocessed foods, you’ll be well on your way to better health