The One Hot Drink You Should Have First Thing In The Morning If You Want Younger-Looking Skin

November 14, 2020 by Robyn Turk


Your beauty routine is not just about what goes onto your skin – it’s also about what goes into your skin. You can ramp up your skincare benefits with one small step every morning: drinking tea. It seems too simple to be true, but teas have been used to fight signs of aging and promote a healthy complexion for centuries.

Skincare experts today continue to recommend green tea, because it is loaded with antioxidants that can protect and repair the skin.

“Green tea contains potent anti-aging antioxidants called catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG) that scavenge free radicals, which if not removed can damage the skin,” Board Certified Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Doyle told Byrdie.

Green tea has been found to reduce signs of aging on the skin by promoting a plump and hydrated texture. Its antioxidant-rich makeup can also address other skincare woes, like acne and oily textures.

The tea is also used as an anti-inflammatory, which helps the skin in other ways like soothing irritation and promoting circulation.

There is even research that suggests green tea can neutralize the damage caused by UV exposure, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Sun exposure is a major cause of premature aging on the skin.

Fighting sun damage can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore essential moisture to the skin for a firmer texture.

All you need to do to start reaping the benefits of green tea is drink a cup of it in the mornings. Green tea is naturally caffeinated, so you can even replace your daily coffee with it.

There are also a ton of beauty products made with green tea, which can help reduce aging and irritation. Or try making a DIY green tea steam facial.

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