Here’s How Often You Should Actually Be Letting Your iPhone Battery Die, According To Tech Experts
September 23, 2021 by Lisa Cupido
If there’s a way to make our expensive iPhones run just a little bit better (and for just a little bit longer), count us in — even if that means resorting to some unorthodox methods. And that’s where draining your phone all the way down to zero comes in. Why do it in the first place? (Should you really do it?) And, if so, just how often should you force your phone down to zero in an effort to make your phone run at optimum speed? Here’s how often you should actually be letting your iPhone battery die, according to tech experts.
Every 1 To 3 MonthsSo, here’s the deal when it comes to draining your battery down to zero: it isn’t recommended that you do it often (at all). But once every one to three months can have some benefits, says Tech Expert Eden Cheng, co-founder of PeopleFinderFree.
“It’s not a good idea to drain your iPhone battery down to zero too often, but doing it from time to time does actually be beneficial because it allows your battery to stretch its legs and run a full charge cycle,” Cheng says. “This in turn helps the controllers that monitor the battery to remember where your battery’s high and low points are, which in turn gives you a more accurate reading of your iPhone’s charge. In this respect, I would recommend letting it drain down to zero every 1-3 months. However, it is not necessary that you do this, only that doing so can help you keep your iPhone’s power gauges working properly for longer, ensuring that it displays the most up-to-date information possible.”