A Dermatologist Says These Tricks To Reduce Fine Lines And Wrinkles Are Better Than Botox

August 11, 2022 by Louise Ferrer


Creator and founder of VivreSKIN Laboratories Mina-Jacqueline Au authored this story.

While aging is inevitable, the good news is that there are simple ways to buy some time and slow down the process. Some of these require minimal changes and adjustments in lifestyle habits. More often than not, we don’t think about the small things and just go straight to minimally invasive procedures or plastic surgery. While those are great solutions, it’s always a good idea to try these simple steps first and delay the need for things that may be more invasive.

Tricks To Reduce Fine Lines And WrinklesProper Skincare

First and foremost, it is important to follow a medical grade skincare routine. Medical grade skincare isn’t medicated, more expensive, or extra strong. Rather, medical grade skincare simply means that the maker puts skin transformation as their bottom line. They spend their funds and manpower on science, data, and clinical studies over ads, shelf spaces, and social media influencers/celebrities like retail skincare.

Medical grade skincare provides ingredient transparencies on what is in each product, the efficacy on how the actives are metabolized, and what the end result will be. Retail products are often formulated based on trends and what sells.

Proper Skincare Ingredients

In the world of medical grade skincare, navigating what to buy can still be challenging. Certain ingredients are no brainer but not everyone seems to know that. Sadly, some blogs on the internet and social media can also be giving improper information.

With that being said, making an appointment with a dermatologist or medical dermal specialist is crucial. When it comes to aging, if you follow a proper skincare routine with the right ingredients, it can really be magic. Less is more. With just a few things, in a couple weeks you’d start seeing positive changes to your skin health.

Wear Physical Sunscreen

The sun can not only raise the risk of skin cancer but it can also certainly cause loss of elasticity, pigmentations, and wrinkling. Just because these damages are not immediately visible, it doesn’t mean the damage isn’t being done inside the skin. Avoiding the sun is best but if you really have to be under the sun, wear a physical sunscreen.

A physical sunscreen is a sunscreen that blocks UV rays with physical minerals. By having that, the blockage is better and you do not risk harmful chemicals seeping into your blood stream. Do not forget to reapply. Sunscreens don't stay on all day. The rule of thumb is to apply every two hours or immediately after coming out of the water. And just so you know, sunscreens with built-in moisturizers and make-up are just not good enough.

Proper Diet

It’s not a lie when they say you are what you eat. A study published in 2020 shows that a diet high in fat actually directly causes the skin's oxidative stress to produce inflammatory damage. There have been other studies that show how sugar can contribute to acne and how certain methods of food processing such as grilling and frying can cause further skin damage.


To tell someone to destress is easier said than done, but it is also very important when it comes to anti-aging. Stress raises cortisol levels, a hormone in our bodies. Spiked cortisol can cause many factors that contribute to someone looking older such as hair loss, accelerated aging on the skin, deepening of line, wrinkles, and more. So the next time you are stressed, perhaps it's a good time to remind yourself to just take that few minutes to breathe first.

Drink Enough Water and Stay Hydrated

Water can do wonders for our skin. Drinking at least 6 cups of water a day can keep the skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity. While water isn’t going to replace medical grade skincare, in-office treatments, or injectables, having healthy skin and drinking water will provide a good foundation for everything else.

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