How To Start Manifesting Your Dreams In 5 Simple Steps

September 26, 2022 by Faith Geiger

Photo by Negative Space on Pexels

What do you want most in life? Is it a particular career? A loving relationship? A big house in the country of your dreams? Whatever it is, we’re here to tell you that there’s a way to make it happen—and all it takes is a shift in thoughts and energy. This process is known as manifesting, and life coaches say it can completely change your life if you’re willing to take the time and energy to give it your all.

To learn more about the power of manifestation and how to try it out for yourself, we spoke to Manifestation Expert Charlotte Kirsten, creator of Typically Topical; Life Coach Mandi Briggs; and Mindset Coach Trista Fishbune. They told us everything you need to know to start reaping the benefits of this powerful method. Whether you’re working on manifesting money, your dream job, love, or just want to maintain a better mindset and feel better overall, consider this your go-to guide for how to start manifesting and creating the reality you’ve always desired.

What is manifestation and the Law of Attraction?

There's so much to unpack when it comes to manifestation and the Law of Attraction. We'll get into much of it below, but, in short, manifesting is all about achieving your desires and reaching your goals by shifting your beliefs, energy, vibrations, and thoughts in order to create the reality of your dreams. "Manifestation is the belief that we can change and shape our lives by altering the way we think," Kirsten explains. So, where does the Law of Attraction come in? This is the belief manifestation is based around, which states that positive thinking will bring about positive results. "We manifest using the Law of Attraction, which in its simplest form means 'like attracts like,'" Kirsten explains. Below, we're giving you a step-by-step process and top tips from the experts, so you'll be able to start manifesting your dreams in no time.

5 steps to start manifesting

While manifestation isn't necessarily a cut-and-dry process, these five steps will help guide you as you dive into the Law of Attraction.

1. Be clear about your wants

First thing's first: in order to manifest the things you want, you have to know what you want. That's why it's important to get super clear on exactly what it is you desire. "Manifesting starts with a vision for the future (aka dreams and goals)," Briggs says. "If you don’t know what you want you can’t bring it to life. Start by asking yourself this question, 'If time and money weren’t a factor, what would I be doing with my life?'" Don't be afraid to dream big; remember that all of your desires are possible to achieve. "Removing factors like time and money open pathways to let the creative juices flow," Briggs explains.

2. Ask the universe and write it down

After getting clear on your desires, it's time to signal to the universe and ask for what you want! There are so many ways to do this, and the one that works best for you will depend on your preferences. Many people choose to meditate, pray, use visual tools such as vision boards, and more. One great, tried and true method is to write goals out in manifestation journals. You may want to use a method called scripting. There are many ways to script, but Kirsten offers advice for one specific method: "Write down what you wish to attract 10 times a day on paper, but do it as though you’ve already attracted your desire e.g.. I’ve manifested a new promotion at work and I’m so incredibly grateful! Really feel the excitement behind it," she says.

3. Keep your vibration high

If you want blessings to flow to you, it's important to raise your vibration to a higher frequency. In other words, stay positive! That's because, as Fishbune notes, the Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like," and that includes your vibrations. "Because everything is energy, we are all vibrating at a certain frequency. If you were tuning into a radio station, you would have to change it to the right frequency to pick up and hear the channel you want. The same thing is true with the LOA—you attract things into your life based on the frequency you are vibrating at. The 'higher vibe' you are, the more 'positive' things you’ll attract into your life. This is also the concept that whatever you focus on, grows. For example, if you’re only thinking about the debt and problems in your life, the debt and problems will only magnify. If you focus on abundance and opportunities, more will flow to you," she explains.

4. Start working toward your goals

While manifestation is a powerful tool, it's important to understand that you can't just sit back and expect all of your dreams to come to you without any effort on your end. As Kirsten says, "There has to be an element of ‘doing’ to attract what you want into your life. Manifestation doesn’t work unless steps are taken to drive change. There’s no praying and wishing for the perfect partner to fall from the sky, or for your bank account to magically fill up with money. This effect is known as the law of action, one of 12 universal laws, and must be put into action alongside the Law of Attraction." That means you should let the universe guide you every day to take actionable steps towards your goals. "Do one thing a day to move you closer to that which you’re manifesting. If you’re manifesting a new love, sign up for a dating app. If you’re manifesting money, check your bank account or pick up the penny on the sidewalk. It doesn’t matter how small the action is as long as it’s done with the intention to keep moving forward," Briggs instructs.

5. Receive and acknowledge with gratitude

Another crucial part of the manifesting process is practicing gratitude. While manifesting is about achieving and receiving all of the things you desire, it's also incredibly important to be grateful for all of the wonderful things you already have in your life. When you shift your current mindset to one of abundance, more of that abundance will flow to you. "Lean into gratitude. The more that you can appreciate what you have now, the more your blessings will multiply. Plus, if you never learn to see the beauty in where you are right now, you won’t be able to fully appreciate your manifestations even when they come," Fishbune tells us.

Tips on manifestation

In addition to the above step-by-step process, there are a few added things experts say you should keep in mind as you work towards manifesting your goals. Find their tips below:

Let go of any resistance

If you really want to reach your goals as quickly as possible, it's important to release any resistance and limiting beliefs or negative feelings that may be holding you back. "Once you have a vision, it’s important to identify any thoughts, feelings, self doubts or limiting beliefs that might get in the way of your vision becoming reality," Briggs says. Fishbune agrees, suggesting that anyone struggling with limiting beliefs works through them in a journal by answering prompts like:

What did I learn about _____ (what you’re manifesting) growing up?
If I were to have _____ what would that mean about me? (i.e. greedy, selfish, bad, unworthy)
What did my family believe about ____ growing up?
What is preventing me from having ______ now?

"Then ask yourself… is this really true? " she says. "Even if it feels true, it’s most likely a false narrative that you have the power to change. Remember, awareness is a powerful step!"

Trust the process

While the idea that manifesting works and will really pay off in the end may seem doubtful at first, Briggs emphasizes the fact that it's vital for you to trust the manifesting process if you want to reach your goals. "Have gratitude in advance for the things that are headed your way," she says. "This is where faith really meets manifesting. Trusting that the item you desire is on its way to you already and finding gratitude even while you wait is important."

Believe in the universe

If you want to manifest your goals, you must trust and believe in the power of the universe. "Have faith in something bigger than yourself," Briggs urges. While you work towards your goals, you should be guided by that faith. "I often tell clients to keep the end goal in mind but leave the how and when up to divine intervention. Their job is to show up each day and keep taking steps forward without knowing when or how the thing(s) they’re manifesting will show up. Faith is important."

Remember that your thoughts create your actions

The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts create your reality, which is why it's so important to be aware of and take control of your thoughts as you work to manifest your goals. "Manifestation works when we realize we’re the creator of our destiny," Kirsten explains "It works when we examine, deconstruct and assemble our belief systems, and understand how our thoughts, emotions, and actions all come to shape our lived experience. It works when we put ourselves in the driving seat."

The bottom line

While it may be difficult to believe at first, these experts agree: manifestation is possible, and it's powerful. If you get clear on what you want, ask the universe for it, and take guided steps to get there, the life you've always dreamed of can be yours in no time. Just stick to these expert-approved steps and keep your vibrations high, and you'll be rolling in blessings before you know it!

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