
Jennifer Aniston Shares Her Favorite High-Protein Breakfast To Maintain Her Toned Physique: Avocado And Eggs 'With A Little Coconut Oil'

January 3, 2024 by Julia DeKorte
shefinds | Celebrity

Jennifer Aniston may as well be the poster-child for aging gracefully: at 54 she still has the body of a 20 year old. How does she do it? Well you may have heard about the famous salad she brought to the Friends set every day, but her diet’s had a bit of a revamp since then. Now, her secret is a protein-packed breakfast of eggs and avocado. Keep reading for more information about what Jennifer Aniston does to maintain her figure.

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Jennifer Aniston's High-Protein Breakfast

The Just Go With It actress shared with People magazine that she follows a pretty routine diet every day. She starts off with hot lemon water, which decreases inflammation and cleanses the body of acidity, which can build up in the joints. Then, she sips on a cup of coffee with milk and stevia for sweetness.


For food, she usually picks one of three choices: avocado and eggs with a little coconut oil, oatmeal whipped with egg whites, or a protein shake. All three options are high in protein and will keep you full for longer, which helps to decrease snacking throughout the day. Avocado and coconut oil are also great healthy fats, which help the body absorb more vitamins. While whipping egg whites in with your oatmeal sounds a little sketchy, Aniston swears by it, telling Elle that it makes for a "fluffy texture that's delicious."


For her protein shake, the Murder Mystery star told Well + Good that the recipe includes "some sort of pure protein, then bananas, blueberries, frozen cherries, stevia, a vegetable mix of dynamic greens that goes in there, maca powder and a little cacao."

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Jennifer Aniston Shares Her Favorite Lunch + Dinner Recipes

For lunch, Aniston keeps the protein trend going with "some form of vegetables or salad with protein." She makes sure she always has fresh ingredients on hand by prepping ahead of time. "I always have cut raw vegetables in a Tupperware container," she told Elle. "Hardboiled eggs are always great to have in the fridge, as well as a big head of butter lettuce. I also include protein, such as pulled chicken."


Even Jennifer Aniston snacks sometimes. Her favorite snacks also have a protein element, so that she's not snacking all day. An apple with almond butter, a cheese stick, some nuts, or a cup of soup are some of her favorites.


And for dinner, though she usually sticks to a vegetable and a protein, when she's in the mood for Mexican food or a slice of pizza, she doesn't hold back. She often has friends over to make homemade pizzas: "Everyone can participate and make their own pizzas," she says. "I have one friend that brings sweets and dessert; other people bring wine." Sounds like a fun night!


Freelance Writer

Julia DeKorte is a New York-based writer. A graduate of the Columbia Publishing Course, Julia covers celebrity and brand news for SheFinds, reviews toys and games for People of Play, and loves cooking for her family, walking her dogs, and running outside, preferably in view of the ocean.

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