I Tried Jennifer Aniston’s Favorite Collagen Powder For 1 Week–& This Is My Honest Review

December 21, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Jennifer Aniston is 51-years-old, but the actress definitely doesn’t look it.

Although great genes definitely play a role in her ageless look, Aniston’s commitment to staying healthy is also a huge factor–and she’s made sure her diet reflects that. Recently, Aniston revealed one of her favorite ingredients for staying and looking her best: collagen protein.

She explained, “Collagen is the glue that holds everything together. I’ve always been an advocate for nourishing your wellness from within, which is why I started using Vital Proteins so many years ago.”

“Our strength starts from within, so I choose good nutrition and the right supplements to start off my day,” she continues. “My go-to collagen routine is adding Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in my morning cup of coffee or smoothie — so easy to use.”

With her ringing endorsement, I decided I had to try–and this is how it went.

First, I tried Vital Proteins Beauty Collagen in the flavor Tropical Hibiscus, which the website says "helps to enhance skin hydration, improve skin elasticity, and maintain firm skin."

Although I didn't notice an instant change to my appearance or skin, I definitely liked having it as part of my routine. This option is un-caffeinated, so it's easy enough to fit into your routine whatever time of day you remember to take it. And the flavor was amazing!

The only issue I found was that it was hard to mix into cold water. The texture worked best when mixed in with tea, and was even better when added to a smoothie.

I also started using Vital Proteins Morning Get Up & Glow, which has a really nice citrus taste. Like the name suggests, this is best saved for mornings since it has caffeine.

This is also a great source of Vitamin C, which is a huge bonus when it comes to an anti-aging routine. Healthline explains, "Vitamin C can also help fend off the signs of aging because of its vital role in the body’s natural collagen synthesis. It helps to heal damaged skin and, in some cases, reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Adequate vitamin C intake can also help repair and prevent dry skin."

With the weather getting colder and dryer now, Vitamin C is a great idea--and this collagen powder was super easy to use (and tasted great). I love my moisturizer, but a combination of cold weather and acne treatments (thanks, maskne) led to some unfortunate dry skin. Luckily, drinking this on a daily basis helped my skin get back to normal.

I also tried out Vital Proteins Vitality Immune Booster in Lemon Grape. We could all use stronger immune systems this winter, and this is one easy way to gain more peace of mind. These packets contain 200% of your daily value of Zinc, which, according to the Vital Proteins website, can help support the production of T-cells, which work as leading regulators of the immune response.

Texture-wise, this was one of my favorite products. It mixed in easily with a glass of cold water, and didn't form any clumps. Although I think I would have liked a citrus flavor more (this packet was definitely more grape than lemon), it was still tasty enough to drink down.  

My all-time favorite Vital Proteins product has to be the Vital Proteins Collagen Water. Personally, I think every flavor is delicious, but the Strawberry Lemon and Blueberry Mint are particularly good.

If you're looking for a low maintenance option, this is definitely the easiest to incorporate into your diet; you don't even have to mix it in. Plus, I think it's the most delicious way of getting in your daily dose of collagen--each serving contains 10 grams.

From drinking these regularly, I noticed that my skin started to feel and look healthier; it had more of a glow and did not need to be constantly moisturized. I also noticed a big change in my nail strength; I haven't been to a nail salon in months, and I usually cannot keep them very long without experiencing breakage, but that became less of a problem as I started taking collagen more consistently.

Although I didn't magically turn into Jennifer Aniston overnight (unfortunately), I definitely started to see the skincare benefits of incorporating more collagen protein into my diet.

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